• narwen



    I’m happy with using W3TC, but have some troubles with minify functionality. When I first time turn it on, all created files opened with 500 errors, error log is here:

    [Tue Mar 12 00:19:11 2013] [alert] [client] /var/www/site1/wp-content/cache/minify/.htaccess: Option MultiViews not allowed here, referer: …

    If comment line Options -MultiViews? in wp-content/cache/minify/.htaccess files shows okay until cached files were purged, but new files weren’t created.

    I’ve added to secure.conf these lines:

    <Directory "/var/www/site1/wp-content/cache/minify/">
        Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    and whatever MultiViews are commented in .htaccess or not minified files are not creates (404 error) and nothing in server error’s log is presented.

    Please, help!


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  • I’m having the same issue since a recent w3 total cache update. I have to manually comment out the Options -MultiViews line every time I change some settings in the wp-admin. Not exactly ideal and it seems weird I can’t find much info on this topic anywhere.

    I have the same problem, this is a quick fix to solve this until the developers create a more user-friendly way (created by diff, which is commonly used for creating patches):

    --- MinifyAdminEnvironment.old.php      2013-08-09 15:09:10.442893335 +0200
    +++ MinifyAdminEnvironment.php  2013-08-09 15:08:57.342893564 +0200
    @@ -533,7 +533,9 @@
             $rules = '';
             $rules .= W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_MINIFY_CACHE . "\n";
    -        $rules .= "Options -MultiViews\n";
    +            $rules .= "Options -MultiViews\n";
    +        }
             if ($etag) {
                 $rules .= "FileETag MTime Size\n";

    The file resides in w3-total-cache/lib/W3
    If you add define(‘CUSTOM_W3TC_DISABLE_MULTIVIEWS’, true); to your wp-config.php, then it should work.

    I had to add MultiViews to my vhost AllowOverride to get it working.

    AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options=All,MultiViews

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