• Hi,

    I really like your Plugin.
    Is it in general possible to minify the HTML with you plugin?

    What does the Setting “Compress Sites” mean?

    Thanks in Advance.

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  • SC compression uses gzip I think. Depends on server.

    Minify is different. I’ve used autoptimize to minify and cache css.

    minify is removing spaces & newlines from a text-based file (HTML/ CSS/ JS). autoptimize can do that for you (disclaimer; I’m biased as I’m AO’s developer).

    compression is “zipping” a file, which by default is done by the webserver (apache or other) when configured correctly. wp super cache can compress the pages (HTML) and it indeed uses gzip for that purpose. (autoptimize can compress JS & CSS as well, but it’s better if the webserver does that).


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