Minified wp/gh files
Hi Milan,
First off, I’d like to say, good job on this plugin!
I’ve dabbled with this kind of thing myself, although at a much more basic level.
function enqueue_jsdelivr( $src, $handle ) { if ( strpos( $src, includes_url() ) !== false ) { global $wp_version; return explode( '?', str_replace( includes_url(),''.$wp_version.'/wp-includes/', $src ))[0]; } return $src; } add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'enqueue_jsdelivr', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'enqueue_jsdelivr', 10, 2 );
Having a flick through the code, I can see references to getting the minified file from npm.
I know its early in the release of the plugin, but have you or would you consider taking advantage of jsdelivr’s ability to generate minified files if none exist.
as an example?I understand that this might not be something everyone would want, but perhaps adding something like define(‘commonwp_minify_all’, true); to wp-config.php could be a way for those who wish to toggle it on?
Thanks ??
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