Minifying could save 454B (1% reduction) after compression.
Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 3B (1% reduction).
That’s not even 1 Kb… you do realize that you are talking about a few bytes, right?
The reasons are simple.
We use PHP Minify and gtmetrix probably uses something else.
FVM doesn’t remove important or copyright comments from JS files.
FVM doesn’t minify inline JS scripts on your HTML, for compatibility reasons.
FVM doesn’t double minify JS files which already have a .min.js extension for compatibility reasons.
Line breaks sometimes are important and we add some for compatibility reasons.
Those few byte differences are needed because merging all JS files into one, is not as simple as to simply merge them together.
You can still score 100 on gtmetrix, regardless of this.
You can also minify your original js libraries if you are the original developer of the theme or plugin.