• It won’t activate at all. I get a notice that says:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error

    Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2927


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  • Yes Mingle 0.1.0 is conflicting with Role Scoper in WP 3.5.2. Also edit profile redirects to member page.

    See the thread in this forum
    Badly broken ( fatal error ) with any PHP after PHP 5.0.x ( function removed )

    Curt44319 that does not resolve the issue I’m having with Mingle after updating WP to 3.5.2

    I guess I’m lucky because it works for me, though I’m not sure if I’m going to keep using it because of the lack of updates.

    Hey, anyone knows about the new error class in WP 3.6?
    My Mingle works fine with my theme and WP 3.6, but there is a really annoying error:
    When I send a new private message to another member, the message will be sent, but anyway all possible error messages will be displayed.

    ERROR: There must be at least one valid recipient
    ERROR: Message can’t be blank
    ERROR: Subject can’t be blank

    The same when updating my avatar.

    ERROR: Your avatar could not be saved.
    ERROR: Your avatar must be a valid jpg, gif or png image.

    Anyway it works fine. Avatar changed, message is sent.

    Anyone knows how to solve this?
    Thanks in advance for a little hint or code.

    Cheers, Scorp

    Hi there, just want to let you know:
    There is a plugin incompatibility issue with the “NGFB Open Graph+” plugin. I try to figure out where in detail. But best practice for debugging is to start with deactivating ALL plugins, re-activating one by one and see, when the error occurs. Another good practice is to activate the WordPress debug logging by entering the following lines to your wp-config.php (logfile will be created in /wp-content/debug.log, you have to make the folder wp-content writable with 777 temporaily)

    * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
    * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
    * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
    * in their development environments.
    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

    I found the problem:
    You get mingle working with latest WP 3.6 and NGFB Open Graph+ PlugIn installed when deactivating the advanced NGFB Option “Apply Content Filters” and “Apply Excerpt Filters”.

    Curt44319 that does not resolve the issue I’m having

    Yes, unfortunately it appears that there are many incompatibilities, and more to come.
    Mingle plug-in is obviously abandoned. WP has moved on. So has PHP and HTML.
    I’m relatively sure Mingle must now be abandoned to the dust bin of history, along with LISA and DOS-2.0. In it’s day, Mingle was the only way to do some things, and could have become THE plug-in, but alas its developer has failed to address any issues through at least three major upgrades to WP.
    Now, the only remaining burning question is how to migrate from Mingle to something else, without losing content. It appears nothing exists, and nothing is coming. Those of us with fairly large sites will be wringing our hands, gnashing our teeth, biting bullets, cursing, and either writing our own code, or our subscribers will simply pay the price of Mingles demise.

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