Migration to a big portal within multisite
I am setting up a news portal service from multiple subsites of news journals. Just in case, all are now combined to a multisite, but portal service is new. I am only touching designs now.
In the end, I’d like to keep all subsites’ traffic to the portal, and wonder if this plugin can help me (most likely I need your add-ons, but not sure how to combine them for below mentioned plan.)
- There are N number of news subsites (aged 2~4 years), but a lot of image files are redundant. Say, only less than 20% of them are served, and other 80% are useless. I forgot to clean the disk, and now I want to do so.
- In the big portal, by (maybe?) bulk broadcast, I would like to collect all subsites’ published contents (2,000~4,000 each), and copy images within the posts as well
- In step 2, I guess only served images will be copied, because dead-linked images are not going to be broadcasted – correct me if I am wrong
- Once bulk copy is complete, I remove all images from subsites, and replace image links in wp_n_posts (subsites) from newly created portal site (I plan to run db replace query for this) – I hope there is no error in copying images from subsites to portal in step 2, so that I don’t lose any image at this step.
- After that, I believe I keep images only in the portal and redundant images will be gone. I would like to keep it that way for future posts. So, if I post an article in the portal and broadcast it to relevant subsites, I do not want to copy images. I want broadcasted post’s images point to original link in portal.
- During bulk broadcast in step 2, from a subsite to portal, I would like to add url prefix (sort of category name in permalink), such as https://www.exampleportal.com/subsite’s news name/post_url
- Redirect all subsites traffic to portal from https://www.subsite’s news name.com/news/post_id (/news/ or /post/ or … but just one word, I used simple permalink) to https://www.exampleportal.com/subsite’s news name/its’ post_id
- Once done, I plan to post news articles only on the portal, and broadcast to subsite.
- In doing so, I’d like to still keep the permalink structure in step 6 and 7, so that I can easily differenciate which post belongs to which news subsite.
- Would be great to keep the categories from subsite to portal
If above is possible, I can
- Eliminate all redundant image files that takes up valuable storage
- Control news flows in one place
- Combine all traffics to the central portal
- Still keep the subsites operational from outsiders’ perspective (though all traffic will be redirected to new portal) – I have to turn off redirect from time to time for other purposes
If you think there is a better way to achieve the same goal, plz let me know. If you think it is way beyond your plugin’s (and add-on’s) scope, plz let me know the parts that I have to find my own solution.
I used to rely on Amazon S3 (via WP Offload Media) for media storage, but given the complexity in my version of image control, I’d like to keep images locally. Once everything is done, I may go back to CDN options, assuming that I only have images on the portal.
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