• Hello WordPress community,
    I’ve been using b2 v0.6.2 for my blog for about 2 weeks now, and I discovered WordPress a couple of days ago. I’d like to migrate from b2 to WordPress _and_ move my sql base to another server, since the one I’m currently using isn’t reliable enough.
    I tried to export my base and import it into fresh new WordPress installation, but I keep having errors because the sql bases have changed a bit, and I haven’t figured out how to do this ??
    The only way I found is to hand-copy my previous posts into the new WordPress install, and edit timestamps to match my old blog, but that’s pretty tedious…
    So if someone could please give me some hints (or even a full howto ?? to achieve that, that’d be great. Thanks in advance.

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  • The readme file that comes with the wp installation has instructions on upgrading from b2 to WP. It mentions v0.6.1 but it will also work for v0.6.2.

    Your best bet is probably to install b2 on your new server, import your old database, then do the WordPress upgrade.

    How do you move your old database??
    I want to keep the site at its old place, but would like to get my old posts as well..
    ive installed wordpress and it is working except I got the problems with the tables…
    Is it too late for the exporting/importing of the old posts and comments?

    Ludvid, just do a sqldump of all the tables on your old server, and then import those tables into the db on the new server.
    If you have anything on the new server that you want to save, you need to change the incremental values [for example, ID in wp_posts] to make sure that importing the old data doesn’t override the data.
    Feel free to contact me if you need specific details.

    Ive just dropped that topic..
    I forgot go to the sql dump and when I wanted to get back from wp to b2, it turned all wrong. So the site was just deleted, and a total new site was put up instead…
    With wp…

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