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  • mandymck


    Hey Chaos, I am using a git repo hosted on S3 tied to EB for my WP site. The theory is you then have a stateless version of WP that is easily load balanced. I am still building out so have not tested, but if you’re interested below is the link that I followed. I didn’t find it as easy as just following his steps, but after a fair amount of mucking around I got it working. The second link is setting up a local server which is the first step in case you need it.

    chaos1, did you ever find an answer?


    Although I haven’t tried it, by examining the code it looks like the steps are:

    1. upload all wp-content/upload directory to s3
    2. modify wordpress database such that:
    1. for each attachment (wp_posts that has a post_type of “attachment”
    • grab the guid as old_guid
    • create the s3_new_guid as to be where the old_guid gets copied to on s3
    • create the cf_or_s3_guid to be the guid that should appear in the post
    • find the old_guid in the parent post and replace with cf_or_s3_guid
    • modify wp_posts guid to be s3_new_guid
    • create a wp_postmeta with:
    • post_id to the id in wp_posts
    • meta_key to “amazonS3_info”
    • meta_value to a:2:{s:6:”bucket”;s:BUCKET-NAME_LENGTH:BUCKET-NAME;s:3:”key”;sKEY-LENGTH:KEY;}

    that seems like it should do the trick. I’ll let you know when I try it?

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