• Adquirí un hosting y migré a www.remarpro.com, pero sigo ingresando al blog antiguo, se supone que ya lo actualicé. Además adquirí el market 4.0, y no puedo instalarlo, ya que según las instrucciones debo ir a Apariencia después a temas y ahí pasar a instalar, pero no encuentro el enlace de instalar. Necesito ayuda porque he invertido mucho dinero. Gracias.

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  • I’m sorry this is an English speaking forum. You’ll find community members will be more apt to respond and help if your post is in English.

    Are you talking about using a specific theme? If you purchased the theme, you’ll need to contact the themes developer for installation instructions. Themes are installed using the Admin panel.

    Thread Starter nopagi


    Thanks Tim, I understand that it is in English, but do not respond in the community in English, if you can help I appreciate it. My question is this: I purchased a hosting and migrates to www.remarpro.com, but I’m entering the old blog, it is assumed you already updated it. The market also gained 4.0, and I can not install it, since according to the instructions I go to Appearance then go to themes and then install, but can not find the link to install. I need help because I’ve spent a lot of money. Thank you.

    Here’s the steps to moving your WordPress.com website to a self hosted version of WordPress:


    As for the rest of the question, I’m having difficulty following you. Are you trying to migrate a wordpress.com blog to a self hosted website? Are you trying to install a theme?

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