@lindaloma with turbo mode the javascript will be loaded deferred, so the script will load later on the page. The advantage of this is that page speed tools will have better metrics. Some users that visit the page, but close the page before the burst script is loaded, will not be measured however. This will result in a better bounce rate. It is up to you what you prefer. In the end the most important thing is that you measure relatively: improvements in relation to the previous measurements with the same configuration.
With cookieless tracking it’s not possible to use cookies of course. In this case the script will try to match sequential page visits to a unique user based on metrics like unique elements in the browser and computer: browser version, brand, certain configurations, os, and so on. There’s a whole range of identifiers that is used. This is pretty accurate, but can never be 100% as it is with cookies. You can read more about it here: https://github.com/mattbrailsford/imprintjs
A page view and page impression is considered the same. A page view is a visit to a page that is not a bounce. For details on bounces and sessions, please see this article.