• Resolved singingcyclist


    Hi – since upgrading to WordPress 5.3, although my metaslider is working fine at the front end, I cannot edit it in the admin area. I get this error “error loading list of slideshows”. In another thread, it was suggested editing php.ini by adding memory_limit=256M .. but I have looked in my php.ini and it is already set to this:


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter singingcyclist


    The site_url WAS pointing to the root, but when I updated home in the options table, it was then pointing to the web subdomain .. I assumed they were the same?

    Thread Starter singingcyclist


    This is the contents of the htaccess file:

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    AddHandler x-mapp-php5.5 .php

    # BEGIN WordPress
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    Best way to see is to try it out. Put the site_url to https://thefunfactory.co and home to https://web.thefunfactory.co

    But adding a redirect to .htaccess should be easy enough as well. You might want to contact the hosting company though if you’re unfamiliar with how that works.

    I’ll mark this as resolved, but feel free to reply as needed!

    Is that in the root or in the subdomain?

    Thread Starter singingcyclist


    Many thanks for your help – in fact it is now resolved as I realised I could simply put the root domain in both site url and wordpress address. My apologies, it was me not understanding the subdomain thing.

    Great to hear it’s resolved! If you encounter any other issues please let me know.

    By the way, if you’re enjoying MetaSlider please leave us a 5-star review. They really help us out and let others find our plugin more easily. If you don’t think we deserve the 5 stars please let us know how we can improve, too. Thanks!


    Thread Starter singingcyclist


    just one question re metaslider before I review it – I can’t work out how to give the different sliders different names .. all midn are called new metaslider! But I will definitely give it an excellent review for support

    On the right side you will see the input box to change the title. i know it’s a bit clunky but the release after next will have a new tool for naming them.


    Can I ask a question that is similar to this or should I start a new thread? I have the same issue.
    I upgraded to php 5.3 and now my sliders work from the front end of the site but the admin page is getting an error:
    “Error fetching list of slideshows: Internal Server Error (500)”
    So I can’t see or edit my metasliders.

    I have my wordpress one level below the original, in a directory called “wordpress” (I think for the same reason singingcyclist did – I originally had a hand-coded site and then created a wordpress site below it.
    However, both my wordpress URL and my site URL are both pointing to https://www.tcaikido.com. So I don’t have the subdomain entered there at all… which seems to be what fixed it for singingcyclist.

    Let me know if I should start another thread. I didn’t understand the whole home thing.

    Hi @vselep

    It’s always better to start your own issue and link to other issues as needed. That way it doesn’t alert others and possibly confuse future viewers when issues are similar but not the same.

    So I don’t have the subdomain entered there at all…

    But it appears you already identified the issue? Did you update the home url to include the wordpress directory? It should work after that.

    I tried updating the “site URL” and that did nothing. (luckily the site still works) I don’t know if that is the same as the “home” url.
    There is an .htaccess file that redirects people to the the wordpress directory. I don’t understand exactly what it is doing, someone from the hosting company did it to help me out.

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?tcaikido.com$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wordpress/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /wordpress/$1
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?tcaikido.com$
    RewriteRule ^(/)?$ wordpress/index.php [L]

    It sounds like the “home” is something else than
    WordPress Address (URL)
    Site Address (URL)
    both of which are on Settings | General.
    Is this something directly in the database or am I missing something?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by vselep.
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