MetaSlider Loading stylesheets RIGH in the MIDDLE of my code
I have worked hours trying to figure out why, no matter HOW HARD I try — any “custom.css” stylesheet I load, never manages to completely override your default flexslider styles. Then finally I SAW it. Loaded right there into the very, very middle of my ( previously structurally and SEO optimized <body> content ):
@import url('[...]/plugins/ml-slider/assets/metaslider/public.css?ver=2.5.1'); @import url('[...]/plugins/ml-slider/assets/sliders/flexslider/flexslider.css?ver=2.5.1');
Please — why for the LOVE of GOD — are you doing this?
Why dirty up MY body content with YOUR stylesheet drop-ins?
WHY purposely fly in the face all accepted WP style and script loading convention while also completely undermining MY ability to post-load a CSS file that overrides your body-embedded styles?
I mean — really — WHY? WHY would you do that? Don’t you know there is a proper way to load styles and scripts?My project is due tomorrow — I don’t have time to find another slider that does not violate MY Content Area. ( You know — the part of a site I am supposed to have quality control over? ) SO I will now have to also show the world how bad my site’s WP code and programming technique is by ALSO embedding MY StyleSheet directly into the the body somewhere that manages to undo your damage — making my work look, well as unprofessional as yours.
Please — can you fix this?
Can you PLEASE load your CSS and JS files properly?
Here are the references you need:
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