I have some synchronizations working, but for some reason the metadata list is not updating, if I create a user metabox, it does not appear in the list
Let’s try to isolate the issue. You are mentioning both “metadata” and “metabox” ; these are 2 different concepts in WordPress.
Metaboxes are UI elements allowing core, plugins and themes to add new functionalities. The data they save may or may not be metadata (they can be anything, it’s up to the logic behind when submitting the form). Indeed, WPRUS uses metaboxes for its own options, and they are not saved as metadata, but as, well, options! Therefore, this is not strictly speaking what WPRUS synchronizes.
Metadata in this WordPress context is extra data associated with a main entity: post, orders (in the case of WooCommerce), and, here, users. WPRUS only synchronizes user metadata – no post, no order, etc. For that, the sending end and the receiving end must be configured: the sending end must specify what metadata is sent, and the receiving end must specify what metadata it accepts. Please see the screenshot below:
The lists contain the metadata that exist on the sites. At least one user on the site where the configuration is being set must have the metadata assigned for the associated key to show in the lists.
If, for instance, you need to send the metadata mobile_number, this key must exist for at least one user on the sending end, and must be chosen in the “List of metadata to transfer”. The receiving end may be configured to accept all metadata, or if you want to do some filtering, then the same restriction applies.
I hope this helps!
This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Alexandre Froger.
This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Alexandre Froger.
This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Alexandre Froger.
This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Alexandre Froger.
This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Alexandre Froger.
This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by Alexandre Froger.