• Hi,

    After installing the plugin, I see :
    How to use Pushpad plugin:

    Widget: A button to let your visitors subscribe to push notifications.
    Shortcode: [pushpad-button] or [pushpad-button subscribe=”Subscribe” unsubscribe=”Unsubscribe”]
    Metabox: Send push notifications whenever you post something new.

    I’m not sure I understand what the Metabox feature actually is, but in case it’s an alternative way to subscribe readers without the use of button in a widget or inline, I might be interested in it, but did not find any clue to set it up… Where can I find a guide to implement Metabox?

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  • Plugin Author collimarco



    The metabox is the box displayed when you are writing a new post: it allows to send a notification about the new post directly from WordPress.

    So, no, that is not an alternative way to collect subscriptions to push notifications.

    However we appreciate feedback: what would you like to see instead of a button? Do you expect a widget in the page corner? A modal dialog? Or something else?

    If you use Pushpad Pro then you can show the browser dialog to allow push notifications directly, without having to display a button. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Pushpad -> Settings and select “Prompt users on page load”.

    Thread Starter manu.p


    Thank you @collimarco for your answer.

    I guess what I’m looking for is the Pushpad Pro “Prompts users on page load” feature… That’s probably what the website that made me know about PushPad was using, since I did not see any button on the page but was prompted to accept notifications (via pop-up).
    I’ll see it closer a bit later.

    Another question : when I get to the https://pushpad.xyz/p/<project_id&gt; page, the lower part is displayed in english (my title being in french). Most of my visitors are french readers, some of them don’t read english. Any internationalization planed ?

    Plugin Author collimarco


    Any internationalization planed ?

    Some users have already requested i18n for Pushpad Express: I’ll take your feedback into consideration and send you an email if we add that feature.

    BTW if you use Pushpad Pro, then you don’t have any i18n issue, because it just display the default browser dialog (which is obviously in the correct language for the user).

    Have a nice day!

    My name is JaonMicle.
    I am using a plugin that you made usefully.
    I think that it is very good.
    But, I have some question.
    I created project and sender on pushpad.xyz and insert project id and Access token in the plugin.
    And I add APNs private key and Certificate value for safari.
    But, Notification is not displayed in safari and android.
    It is very good for Crome and Firefox.
    – safari.
    When I subscribe in safari, am registered as a subscriber.
    but notification is not displayed.
    I set that email of pushpad.xyz account and an email of apple developer account getting APNs certificate are not same. is this a problem?
    If this is not a problem, please let me know.
    (I allowed notification in safari)
    – android
    When I click subscribe button, phone display error text.
    It is as follows.
    “You have blocked notifications for this website. please change your browser preferences dialogs”
    I allowed notification in Setting item of Chrome browser but same.
    (notification is displayed in emulator)
    My android version is 4.22, 5.1.(Samsung galaxy)
    Android chrome version is 57.0.2987.132.
    What is the problem?
    Please help me asap.
    I will always wait a reply.


    Plugin Author collimarco


    – android
    My android version is 4.22, 5.1.(Samsung galaxy)

    On old versions of Android you probably need additional steps in order to enable push notifications.
    See the comments here: https://blog.pushpad.xyz/2016/11/how-to-enable-or-block-push-notifications-from-your-browser-preferences/

    – safari.
    I set that email of pushpad.xyz account and an email of apple developer account getting APNs certificate are not same. is this a problem?

    This is not a problem.

    There’s probably something wrong with the generation of the certificates. You can try to generate them again:
    If you have a link to your website (where you have the button) I can take a look at it.

    Remember that only Safari desktop supports push notifications.

    Best regards

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