Metabox and multilingual image_advanced field
I use to generate my custom fields.
I have generated this one:array( 'name' => 'gallery', 'id' => 'sc_gallery', 'type' => 'image_advanced', 'max_file_uploads' => 10, ),
When I try to generate the translation page with polylang I don’t get the images inside the gallery created on the default language.
I have another field that it’s correctly syncronized, but is of type text:array( 'name' => 'Gallery Title', 'desc' => 'Title of each image in the gallery', 'id' => 'sc_gallery_title', 'type' => 'text', 'clone' => true ),
Maybe the type of field is not supported by polylang?
I have searched the action of sync when translate and I think the work proces is done in this piece of code:$keys = array_unique( apply_filters( 'pll_copy_post_metas', $keys, $sync, $from, $to, $lang ) ); // and now copy / synchronize foreach ( $keys as $key ) { delete_post_meta( $to, $key ); // the synchronization process of multiple values custom fields is easier if we delete all metas first if ( isset( $metas[ $key ] ) ) { foreach ( $metas[ $key ] as $value ) { // important: always maybe_unserialize value coming from get_post_custom. See codex. // thanks to goncalveshugo $value = maybe_unserialize( $value ); // special case for featured images which can be translated add_post_meta( $to, $key, ( '_thumbnail_id' == $key && $tr_value = $this->model->post->get_translation( $value, $lang ) ) ? $tr_value : $value ); } } }
This code is inside the file: polylangplugin/modules/sync/admin-sync.php line 202
The polylang version is the latest: 1.9.2
Meta box version is the latest: 4.8.7I have tried to force the sync with this code on functions
add_filter('pll_copy_post_metas', 'copy_post_metas'); function copy_post_metas($metas) { return array('sc_gallery','sc_gallery_title'); }
But doesn’t work.
Thank you for you help and work
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