Imagine, no problem ^^
I am using a DigitalOcean VPS where I am using it:
Vestacp 0.9.8;
Apache 2.4.7;
PHP: 5.5.9;
Libmysql – 5.5.55.
I’m using Meta Slider on the home page of the Site. It has 20 images running on carrosel.
If I enter and make an update just how to change the order of the images, it already starts the save process, if I just wait for the process to finish everything is ok, no problem happens.
The problem happens when I need to make changes to several images, for example, the 20 changes 14. As the save process is time consuming, I’m already making the changes, when I finish the changes when I send the save I notice that it is already bugged , Because it does not take the same time saving the changes. I open another tab in the browser and try to access the site, only receives the response that could not establish the connection to the database.
Access the Vestacp panel, I go to the services and MySQL is stopped, then I have to restart the service, I go back to the control panel that is still open on the screen of Meta Slider I click on save again, yes yes it takes time ” Normal “of the process, access the site again and everything is ok.
Of course, this MySQL problem stops working only when using Meta Slider.
I apologize for the long text, I hope you have been able to explain it well.