• On the WP course I’m doing, the tutor has said that for a custom post type we’ve created called ‘notes’ it’s best to set the post_status to private. Otherwise another user not logged in to the website could via the REST API URL query/see all the notes created by a sites users. Incidentally I’m using Local by Flywheel to host my site locally and it’s not been deployed or hosted.

    According to him one way of achieving this protection is to set the note’s status to ‘private’ in my JS file in modules, when posting to the database.

    The other way is to use this code in functions.php

    add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'makeNotePrivate');
    function makeNotePrivate($data){
       if($data['post_type'] == 'note') {
         $data['post_status'] = "private";

    According to my tutor the caveat to the first method is a user could maliciously change my JS code so all ‘note’ posts are saved with a post status of ‘public’!

    My question is if this malicious end user could access and change the code in a JS file could they not also do the same to functions.php? At my knowledge level I’m not even sure how a malicious user would do this but apparently it’s possible.

    All I’m looking for is an explanation of why this is the case I’m not looking for an alternative solution so pls no posts saying oh why don’t you try this. I just want to understand why he is saying what he is. Thanks

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by GusGF.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by GusGF.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by GusGF.
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  • Moderator cubecolour


    What I think your tutor probably means is not that the js files are actually edited on your server, but as scripts run locally in the user’s browser, the user has the ability to alter the functionality of the script as it runs in their own browser.

    Moderator bcworkz


    To further Cubecolour’s reply, while JS runs in the user’s browser and this can be altered by the user, PHP code in functions.php runs server side and with a properly configured server, there is no way for end users to alter any PHP code.

    For anything that requires complete security, never do it client side in someone’s browser, always do it server side.

    Thread Starter GusGF


    Thanks cubecolour, yes was aware of that but I guess I need assurance. Correct me if I’m wrong but if a malicious user without a login loaded up the website and made a change to the site’s JS then for them to see records subsequently created by legitimate users the following would need to happen.

    1. These users would need to be using the same computer/browser as the malicious user.
    2. No hard refresh of the browser being used should have occured on that computer.

    Thanks bcworkz, yes was aware of this but not absolutely sure hence the question and again just needed assurance.

    Thanks to you both much appreciated ??

    Moderator bcworkz


    Assuming only logged in users can create new notes (enforced server side), the malicious user would also need to be logged in to have any hope of publishing a public note. It’s not unheard of for bad actors to gain some minimal access to a system through legitimate means, then leverage weaknesses within to gain greater abilities than they should normally have.

    Your first line of defense is vetting newly registered users. This is not always possible, or even with proper vetting, a bad actor still might be able to sneak in through clever social engineering. If your next line of defense relies upon JavaScript, it’s not much of a defense since users can modify the script.

    Should a bad actor manage to publish a public note, perhaps with spammy pharma links, it’ll be visible to all visitors. It doesn’t matter which browser they used or what others are using.

    Good Day Sir. Sorry, I want to make enquiry on another post you made.


    I would love to know what solution you eventually found to it. I’m in urgent need of it

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