• Hi everyone. I hope you can help me with an issue with three of my websites. The issue is that validation messages (E.g. This field is required) and success messages (under the SUBMIT button) disappear immediately. A strange string of text is also appended to the URL when this happens (e.g. https://powerstats.co/contact-us#wpcf7-f335-p139-o1)

    For ease of reference, here are the three links:

    Site 1: https://powerstats.co/contact-us
    Currently not working (Invisible reCaptcha and WP Rocket plugins both activated)

    Site 2: https://kpiworks.com/contact-us/
    Currently working well (WP Rocket running, but, Invisible reCaptcha deactivated)

    Site 3: https://kpiworks.co.nz/sign-up-your-practice/
    Currently working well (Invisible reCaptcha activated, and WP Rocket isn’t even installed)

    All of these websites use the same theme, and are pretty much identical. I can repeat this error even on the default Genesis framework theme (without the Breakthrough Pro child theme I’m using), and, I can repeat this issue on WordPress’s Twenty Twenty default theme.

    What I believe causes this issue:
    Running ALL THREE plugins simultaneously
    – Contact Form 7
    – WP Rocket (more accurately, setting the “define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true );” to TRUE in the WP-config file – WP rocket does this when active)
    – Invisible reCaptcha

    If I deactivate WP Rocket on Site 1 (link above), the problem disappears. I reached out to their support, and if I re-upload the wp-config file with define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true ); in it (Even though WP Rocket is deactivated), the issue returns. I assume this rules out JS deferring and minification as the culprit.

    If I deactivate Invisible reCaptcha, but keep WP Rocket running – the issue also goes away. So it’s really a “combination of all three plugins” that causes this bug.

    Are you guys able to help me figure out what’s going on? I love all three plugins and would like to keep using them if I can.

    Thank you in advance,
    Dima ??

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • as far as i know, WP rocket has know issues with contact form 7.

    can you try to exclude wpcf7 (and cf7 invisible recapcha) files from cache? usually caching plugin has an option to do so

    Thread Starter dimaivanov84


    Hi Erik.

    Thank you – but I’ve already run a test by fully deactivating WP Rocket – so nothing is cached at all. Even then – but as long as there’s a string of code in the wp-config file define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true ); – the error occurs.

    Are you able to send me some links to these known issues? The WP Rocket guys already provided some support, and since deactivating the plugin doesn’t make the issue go away – they said it’s a Contact Form 7 issue with a caching plugin in general (not just WP Rocket).

    Look forward to your reply.

    ciao @dimaivanov84,
    I currently manage some website where I use (or people before me have used) different plugins like WP-super-cache, WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize and no one of this has issues with cf7

    the only thing that happens from the wpcf7 side is, if caching is enabled, onload resets the form
    plugins/contact-form-7/includes/controller.php (line 120)
    wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/src/init.js (line 40)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Erik.
    Thread Starter dimaivanov84


    Hi Erik, or ciao! ??

    One of my three websites where I have WP Rocket active works perfectly with Contact Form 7 – clicking SUBMIT will see the messages stick around. However, on this website, I have the “Invisible reCaptcha” plugin disabled. So – just like you – using a caching plugin (WP Rocket, in my case) with CF7 doesn’t have issues alone – it’s when I mix WP Rocket with invisible reCaptcha that I get this problem. It can be fixed by EITHER of:
    – disabling WP rocket (but keeping invisible reCaptcha running)
    – disabling invisible reCaptcha (but keeping WP rocket running)

    I actually find that sometimes invisible reCapture doesn’t loat at all!!! If that happens, when someone submits the form – they get an error. I’ve tried trouble-shooting this for a very long time (i.e. why the reCapture doens’t load sometimes) but couldn’t find the answer. I thought I solved it a few weeks ago, but today found that this issue still happened.

    I’ve now deactivated invisible reCaptcha for a while – everything will work, I’m sure (as i’m sure that I’ll be spammed), but it appears there are two issues linked to it (i.e. the form will NOT submit as the reCaptcha didn’t load, and, when used with WP ROcket the validation messages disappear).

    I’ll just put up with the spam for a while until I find some more time to trouble-shoot and bullet-proof it a little better ?? Thank you for your help.

    hi @dimaivanov84 ??

    you asked me yesterday… this is the last guy that has issues with rocket-cache.
    But are hard to find because the support forum search only into title, and many has found out the reason after.

    but, just an idea that can avoid the issue, can’t you exclude from cache the js of “invisible recaptcha” and “contact form”? it will work if the issue come from that files..

    Thread Starter dimaivanov84


    Hi Erik – that is a good idea! I don’t know how to do this (I’m not a developer, just happen to know WordPress pretty well), but will write to the WP Rocket guys to see if I can somehow specify the .JS files for both CF7 and invisible reCaptcha to see if it helps.

    However, as I wrote already a couple of times – I can deactivate WP-Rocket completely (keep it installed, but, deactivate it via the plugin page), however, change the “WP_CACHE” flag to TRUE in config.php – the WP Rocket guys told me there’s a known issue with CF7 and how it handles the WP_CACHE flag. Sorry for repeating:

    1. If WP Rocket is deactivated, by default, WP Rocket sets the WP_CACHE flag to FALSE (which is correct, as there’s no cache). If I do this – the CF7 issue doesn’t occur.

    2. If WP Rocket is deactivated, but I change the WP_CACHE flat to TRUE (thus tricking CF7 into thinking that cache is being built and used, but it’s actually NOT being built as WP Rocket is deactivated) – the issue in CF7 returns. Apparently, this is because CF7 adjusts its behaviour based on the FLAG (true/false), but not on the actual presence of cache.

    With this in mind, even if I exclude CF7 and invisible re-captcha from cache, the issue will likely still persist – as it does when everything is not cached.

    Does that sort of make sense?

    And thank you for helping me…. ??

    hi @dimaivanov84
    in the one version ago cf7 has issues with caching plugins, but it was fixed time ago.

    And in addition CF7 doesn’t handle cache in any way, you can check this on your own on github or here on track. As far as i know, the WP_CACHE constant in cf7 is used only 1 time and it is needed to reload the form on page init if the cache is enabled.

    window.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
        if (wpcf7.cached) {

    That’s why I think the opposite, that it’s a problem of one of the other two plugins (from how you describe it seems almost rocket cache with invisible captcha and for this on second place cf7).

    To answer your question, are you sure that when you set WP_CACHE to true rocket cache it doesn’t get enabled? could you verify? on my side i can verify if with other caching plugins invisible captcha fails.

    Thread Starter dimaivanov84


    Hi Erik,

    Thank you once more. Sorry for my late reply, had a busy weekend with family ??

    I run the two websites through https://www.stackpath.com/products/cdn/ – and please remember, I’m not super techy – even if I turn WP Rocket off, and set the WP_CACHE to true, wouldn’t running the NETWORK test (F12) in my browser show the edge server’s cache status, rather than the website hosting server’s cache status?

    I can confirm the following details – I’ve done this experiment twice:
    1. If I run CF7 + WP Rocket + Invisible reCaptcha = issues with the messages disappearing
    2. If I run CF7 with EITHER OF WP Rocket or Invisible reCaptcha (only one) – no problems, everything works
    3. If I deactivate WP Rocket, and manually change the WP_CACHE to true, and replace wpconfig file via FileZilla – the issue starts appearing again (but the WP ROcket plugin is turned off, so it can’t possibly be “caching” as it’s deactivated)
    4. When I then re-load the original wpconfig file back up into the site via FileZila that has WP_CACHE set to FALSE, the issue goes away again. Once more, I’m not changing the Active/Inactive status of the WP ROcket plugin – the ONLY change i’m making is to the WP_CACHE line inside the wpconfig file. To me, at least, this clears the WP ROcket plugin – as whether it’s enabled, or disabled, the ONLY difference is made by changing the WP_CACHE flag from TRUE to FALSE inside wpconfig file.

    I’m most happy to try and see if I can turn off WP ROcket (deactivate), and change the WP_CACHE flag to TRUE – and test if it’s still cached or not when this happens. How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance ??

    ok I think I figured out what’s wrong… or at least is an idea that might explain what happens

    Since the form it’s reloading while you enable the cache, the key of the recaptcha was lost because probably added on page init to the hidden fields. You should tell the developer of the invisible recaptcha plugin to watch if the form reloads and, if so, re-add the key.

    let me if this is the right way.

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