Hi ceubri,
Edit yop_poll_model.php and in return_poll_html() function cut these code lines
$msgDivS = false;
$msgDivE = false;
if ( strpos( $template, "%POLL-SUCCESS-MSG%" ) != false ){
$msgDivS = true;
$template = str_ireplace( '%POLL-SUCCESS-MSG%', '<div id="yop-poll-container-success-' . $poll_id . $unique_id . '" class="yop-poll-container-success"></div>', $template );
if ( strpos( $template, "%POLL-ERROR-MSG%" ) != false ){
$msgDivE = true;
$template = str_ireplace( '%POLL-ERROR-MSG%', '<div id="yop-poll-container-error-' . $poll_id . $unique_id . '" class="yop-poll-container-error"></div>', $template );
and paste them before
$template = str_ireplace( '%POLL-VOTE-BUTTON%', '<button class="yop_poll_vote_button" id="yop_poll_vote-button-' . $poll_id . $unique_id . '" onclick="yop_poll_register_vote(\'' . $poll_id . '\', \'' . $location . '\', \'' . $unique_id . '\'); return false;">' . $poll_options['vote_button_label'] . '</button>', $template );
Next, select
if ( !$msgDivS ){
$template .= '<div id="yop-poll-container-success-' . $poll_id . $unique_id . '" class="yop-poll-container-success"></div>';
if ( !$msgDivE ){
$template .= '<div id="yop-poll-container-error-' . $poll_id . $unique_id . '" class="yop-poll-container-error"></div>';
and move them after
$template = str_ireplace( '%POLL-VOTE-BUTTON%', '<button class="yop_poll_vote_button" id="yop_poll_vote-button-' . $poll_id . $unique_id . '" onclick="yop_poll_register_vote(\'' . $poll_id . '\', \'' . $location . '\', \'' . $unique_id . '\'); return false;">' . $poll_options['vote_button_label'] . '</button>', $template );
Let us know if you need more help.
Best wishes,
YOP Team