• Resolved OzManic


    Message from server: Not Found. Check in YouTube if the id youtube belongs to a playlist.

    Here is the shortcode that I’m using. It’s the same as the code a friend of mine uses. I don’t know why I keep getting this error.

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLofjmZVp54foRAoQIluXkt3MvKbt8kSu3″ feedorder=”desc” videowidth=”500″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”dark” color=”black” quality=”small” autoplay=”0″ rel=”1″ showinfo=”1″ maxitems=”5″ thumbwidth=”200″ thumbratio=”16×9″ thumbcolumns=”3″ title=”1″ description=”0″ thumbnail_alignment=”center” descriptionwordsnumber=”10″ link_window=”0″]


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  • great origin web and techwiz.com.au

    it works again!


    thanks for the changes, would be a good idea for somebody to ask the auteur of the plugin to take the management.
    made myself some changes in js to make it works few weeks ago.

    The author has just uploaded a new version. I’m checking it out now

    Just updated it and all the options seem to have vanished from the widget – so we can’t change the playlist code anymore…

    got same prob, trying with a full uninstall/reinstall

    I’ve contacted the author. The plugin is missing the file admin_tabs.php from the templates folder. Once this is added to the plugin, it will work hopefully.

    I managed to get mine to work. I had to manually download the new plugin and upload the plugin via FTP. All the templates folder files were in there then. The author may have been uploading it as we were trying to update and something messed up. It looks like we will need a YouTube API, so I’ll be getting one and checking on it working then.

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