Message from server: Not Found.
Message from server: Not Found. Check in YouTube if the id youtube belongs to a playlist.
Here is the shortcode that I’m using. It’s the same as the code a friend of mine uses. I don’t know why I keep getting this error.
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLofjmZVp54foRAoQIluXkt3MvKbt8kSu3″ feedorder=”desc” videowidth=”500″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”dark” color=”black” quality=”small” autoplay=”0″ rel=”1″ showinfo=”1″ maxitems=”5″ thumbwidth=”200″ thumbratio=”16×9″ thumbcolumns=”3″ title=”1″ description=”0″ thumbnail_alignment=”center” descriptionwordsnumber=”10″ link_window=”0″]
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