• When I embeded the code
    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”playlist_id” videowidth=”580″
    ratio=”16×9″ theme=”light” color=”white” autoplay=”0″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″ maxitems=”18″
    thumbratio=”16×9″ thumbcolumns=”3″ title=”1″ description=”0″ thumbnail_alignment=”top” descriptionwordsnumber=”6″ link=”1″ cache=”0″ nofollow=”1″]in my self hosted WP Blog page it worked fine.
    But sometimes I get the message
    Message from server: Forbidden. Check in YouTube if the id.
    When click on the ID it works.
    This error occurs on different pages, sometimes it works and sometimes not.

    In the logfile of the server I don’t get any errors.
    What can be the reason for the message?


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