The author might be asking about this one I got too:
[Action Required] Submit your app(s) for Restricted Scopes OAuth verification
Google Apps Developers<[email protected]>
Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 11:16 AM
To: [My_Work_email]@gmail.com
Hi Google API Developer,
We sent this email because you’re listed as a contact on the following Google Cloud Project(s) using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs:
In October 2018, we announced that, in January 2019, new Gmail API policies for restricted scopes will go into effect. We want to let you know that, starting today, you can submit your app(s) that use restricted scopes for verification. Please review the full policy and OAuth FAQ for more information including the secure handling requirement.
What you need to do
If you want to use one of the restricted scopes, for verification through the Google API Console (On the left side menu click Credentials, then click OAuth consent screen) between January 16th and February 15th, 2019 for the project(s) listed above. Owners and editors of the project will be able to submit for verification and developers with internal apps for users in the same G Suite domain do not need to do this.
If you do not take action
If you do not submit for verification by February 15th, 2019, we’ll disable account access for new users on February 22nd, 2019.
If you do not submit for verification by March 31st, 2019, we’ll revoke existing consumer grants.
Google Cloud Platform/API Trust & Safety
On the Credentials-> OAuth consent screen tab:
there are those fields like:
Authorized domains
Application Homepage link
Application Privacy Policy link
Application Terms of Service link (Optional)
Do you think we need to do anything other than submitting this info?
Thank you