Hi Dippies
You appear to be confused by some of the terms we are using in our replies. I assumed you would be comfortable with all these terms because you are using a local WAMP server, which requires a relatively high level of web skills.
RE: What do I need to do to get CF7 to work? wait till I am going live or is there a way out whilst running wampserver?
The simple answer is yes “wait till I am going live”, because it’s quite difficult to set up to send emails from CF7 “whilst running wampserver”.
Note: Outlook is not relevant here.
Your WAMP server is acting like as local version of the sort of web servers we rely on when visiting websites all over the world. These web servers typically have an email server attached which can send emails to your email address.
You can use an email client like Outlook to receive emails that are sent from an email server to your address. When you reply to an email it goes back via Outlook to an email server attached to one of those web servers out there helping everyone send and receive emails.
Your local WAMP server is almost certainly not setup to do this email sending & receiving and it’s quite difficult to change that.
When you move to your live site the server there should have an email server which can sends emails from CF7.