• The site had been neglected this year and when I had a look recently it was returning error 500s & logs seemed to indicate a possible pHp version mismatch. Tried speaking to the host provider with no luck. Decided to backup through cPanel (so not a WordPress backup), delete all the visible files and then reinstall WordPress using host provided Softaculous install.
    How do I get my old database into the new installation? The new install has a different table prefix to the old tables.
    The site is a simple blog with entries going back over 10 years, but probably only about 10 posts a year, with a few extra pages and a list of links.
    I know this sort of problem has been discussed elsewhere but I couldn’t find anything quite simple enough for my out of touch brain!
    I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you the old version of WordPress I was using, though I guess that’s probably in one of the backed up files.
    Thanks in anticipation, Dave

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  • Hello @davejp,

    How good is your knowledge with local environments and/or direct database operations?

    I would solve that issue as follows:

    • Find the correct backup file
    • Find out which WordPress version had been used
    • Install that specific WordPress version
    • Import the SQL file
    • Change the table prefix (if necessary) within wp-config.php

    At this point you should have your old site back. Migrating the posts from the old to the new site can be achieved as follows:

    • Go to “Tools ? Export” in you old site and “Download Export File” for “All content”
    • Go to “Tools ? Import” in your new site, install the WordPress importer (if necessary) and run the import

    Alternatively you could migrate the posts by copy and paste from the old to the new site. 100 posts are not so much. But using the build-in export/import functionality is a smarter approach.

    Good luck and have a great weekend!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Niels Lange.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Niels Lange.
    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    If it’s just a matter of the DB prefix, set that in your new site’s wp-config.php and it will use the “old” database instead of the new one.

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