Home / Everything else WordPress / Merge categories
1 year, 5 months ago
How can i merge 2-3 categories in 1 ?
The article here describes several solutions for this:
the article i saw it before to post but i dont have the perge option in the drop down
I can only delete categories , not merge, change taxonomy or set parent option are available
Here’s another article that offers multiple solutions:
thank you but is the same about,
but i want for example to merge the categories 1,2,3 to 1 ,
this i cant do it because merge option it doesnt exist.
Why it doesnt exist or how can i restore the merge options ? This is the real question
One option is to use a plugin like Serious Duplicated Terms, but i dont want to add more plugins specially if the fuction should be there from WP
The merge option you’re looking for, according to the article I referenced above, is only available if you install the plugin here: – this is not a feature that is included with WordPress.
Yes i found out after , but creates problems and i had to rollback
only manually i think is possible but too many categories and articles
If you have problems with a plugin, it is best to contact its developer. In that case their support forum: