Menus no displaying
Hi, Thanks for the previous help about the widget styling. This in in regards to setting the menus on the main (and all) pages. I have tried to create a menu and have added all the links, but NOTHING shows up on the page – no side menu and no menu in the header. I actually want it just below the header, horizontally across the page. I have several links that I need to add as menu items, but none of them show up – anywhere. Please help. Thanks!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Dont you have disabled the menu under Customizer -> Header -> Menu -> Disable Main Menu ?
Thanks, I did have it disabled – however…if I enable it, it TOTALLY screws up the positioning of my header text and graphic. The header should be centered, with the graphic (broken heart with the Header text centered over the top of it, with the tagline underneath.) The menu SHOULD be underneath it all. How do I position it so that it aligns horizontally UNDER the header? Please see the original website: to see how I want the header and top horizontal menus to look. I am re-constructing the website with WordPress so that it will be mobile ready. While I can create the look I want with CSS and HTML using ASP.Net, I am having trouble getting it to work exactly like I want with WordPress. Thanks very much for all of your help.
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Coleen. Reason: Typo
Then should try header #1 which use the header menu under the logo – Header -> select the header type
I have it set up as:
CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER LOGO (no logo uploaded), it is in the CSS under
.header-pattern and the CSS is:
color: #0200a1;
background-image: url(‘
background-position: center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
text-decoration: none;
In the Customize section the Logo Position is as follows:
Position of your Custom Logo for Header #1 = Center
The disable Main Menu box is no longer checked, and the Menu Item Hover Effect = Rollover, Padding Between Menu Items=0, Main Menu Height=0 (I tried setting this to 0,1,2, and it causes too much space between items at more than 0px), the Responsive Menu Layout is set to Open Submenu items.What I WANT is to have the Title “A Heartbreaking Choice” layered over the top of the broken heart image, and the tagline directly below that – all of it should be centered. Then BELOW all of that, I want the main menu as a horizontal menu, I DO NOT want the menu to the left of the title or logo, I want it centered BELOW it all. How can I do that?
Thanks very much for your help.
you need to upload the logo image, with background image it’s almost impossible to achieve what you need. For the menu center please select the header #1 then I can suggest more tricks
That is why I put the “logo” image in the CSS, it is NOT impossible to achieve this effect, please see the header section in my current website: –> that is ALL achieved using HTML and CSS. I tried uploading the “logo” and it DOES NOT work correctly to overlay the title over the top of it, nor will it align center under the Title, unless I put it in the CSS. I can deal with the heart being just above the Title and Tagline, but they ALL must be centered, and the menu HAS to be BELOW all of it, as shown in my original website. I KNOW there is a way to do all of that using simple HTML and CSS, because I obviously did it before on that website. If I knew what class to put the CSS in, I could do that in this WordPress Theme. My biggest issue is finding WHERE in the theme (what ID or Class) to put the CSS. Can you please help me with locating the correct ID or Class to put the custom CSS in? Thanks very much. ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Coleen. Reason: Typo
let’s start with header #1 and logo position center
okay, in the CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER, HEADER: I have the Header padding at 5px for the top, right, left and bottom. I have the Enable Search box disabled (I do not want a search box in the header, I will put it in a widget on the left sidebar) and I have the General Slider Position Above the header (I honestly don’t want a slider, but didn’t see a place to disable this.) That’s all that is in the Customizing Header section.
In the CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER, STICKY HEADER: I have Enable Sticky Header = Enabled (I do want the header to be ‘sticky’) and I have again disabled the search box.
In the CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER, LOGO the Custom Logo – I have re-uploaded the Logo and the Logo Position: Choose the position of your Custom Logo for Header #1 = Center.
In the CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER, WEBSITE TITLE & TAGLINE: the Disable Website Title s NOT checked, and the Website Tagline Position is under the website title.
In the CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER, MENU the Disable Main Menu box is NOT checked (I changed that this morning per your advice) and the Menu Item Hover Effect is Rollover. The Padding Between Menu Items is 0px, the Main Menu Height is 0 (as mentioned previously) and the Responsive Menu Layout is Open Submenu Items.
In the CUSTOMIZING ? HEADER, HEADER WIDGETS, none are enabled.
I believe that’s all of the options for Customizing the Header.
Since I commented out the CSS code under .header-pattern, as you can see now it has changed my background color and font family – and the Logo, title and tagline are now on the left-hand side, the menu is to the right of that and NONE of it is like I want it to be: Centered with the menu UNDERNEATH the logo, title and tagline. PLEASE help! This is SO frustrating! Like I said, I can do all of this easily in CSS, if I know WHERE to put the CSS!
please enable header #1 . your header has color now gray because you set it under Styling -> Header & Footer -> Header Color
Actually, I didn’t set ANY color in this theme, I changed ALL the background colors using CSS. So when I remmed out the CSS for the background color in the .header-pattern, it removed the background colors that I set. I’ve already changed th background color of the header back to what I want – thanks! ??
As far as getting everything to align center and putting the menu at the bottom, that worked, thank you. Now I just need to fix the background color of the menu and change the roll-over font colors of the menu. How/where can I do that, or do I need to also change all of that using CSS?
Honestly, if I can find WHERE (which ID or Class tag) to change it, I find it much easier (and effective) to simply write the CSS to do so. The problem I’m having is finding the CORRECT ID or Class tag when I run “Inspect” – there are so many Div tags, that I’m finding it difficult to pin down exactly where to put the custom CSS.
Thanks again VERY much for your help in getting the header and menus set up like I want, I truly appreciate it.
Main menu color can be set under Styling -> Menu -> Main Menu Color and font can be set in Typography -> Menu -> Main Menu Font Why add additional CSS when you can set all you need through the customizer? ??
The typography does not offer the font family I want to use, otherwise it seems to work, thank you.
Which font family you wanna use?
font-family: Segoe Script, Lucida handwriting, brush script mt, Script MT Bold,
monotype cosira, Apple Chancery, comic Sans MS Italic;Then define it in the Additional CSS:
.navbar-nav .nav-link, .navbar-nav .dropdown-item, .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu, .menu-header { font-family: Segoe Script, Lucida handwriting, brush script mt, Script MT Bold, monotype cosira, Apple Chancery, comic Sans MS Italic; }
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
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