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  • Thread Starter saleh4


    I think the problem from menu order ,
    because when we add the menu (from wordpress menu) from top to bottom in this menu will show in navigation bar in left to right order .
    but in RTL languages like Arabic I reversed this menu from bottom to top (from wordpress menu) to show in navigation bar from right to left so this error is the result.

    How can we add the menue from top to bottom (from wordpress menu) and from rtl CSS reverse this order ?

    Hello saleh4,

    Open rtl.css file -> paste the below CSS in end of the file and save the file –

    .navbar-collapse ul {
        transform: rotate(180deg);
    .navbar-collapse ul > li {
        transform: rotate(-180deg);

    Go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customizer -> Theme Options -> Theme General Options -> paste the below CSS in Cutsom CSS box and save –

    .enigma_sidebar_widget {
        display: none;
    .enigma_footer_widget_column {
        display: none;


    Thread Starter saleh4


    problem 1 still error, not working.( how can we start items form the Right & not Left?)

    problem 2 done

    Hello saleh4,

    Remove given CSS –

    .navbar-collapse ul {
        transform: rotate(180deg);
    .navbar-collapse ul > li {
        transform: rotate(-180deg);

    and paste the below CSS in end of the file and save the file –

    .navbar-collapse ul {
        transform: rotate(180deg);
    .navbar-collapse ul > li {
        transform: rotate(-180deg);


    Thread Starter saleh4


    Thank you, this code solve half the problem , after I added this code,the navigation bar now is in correct order(from right to left). but when we minimize the browser (or oprn the page in mobile) the menu order become from bottom to top. And it should be start form the top to bottom .

    Thank you

    Thread Starter saleh4


    Thread Starter saleh4


    Hello saleh4,

    Remove given CSS –

    .navbar-collapse ul {
        transform: rotate(180deg);
    .navbar-collapse ul > li {
        transform: rotate(-180deg);

    and paste the below CSS in end of the file and save the file –

    .navbar-collapse ul {
        transform: rotate(180deg);
    .navbar-collapse ul > li {
        transform: rotate(-180deg);


    Thread Starter saleh4


    Thank you very much . it works good.

    and thank you for your support.

    Your Welcome,

    Let us know for further query.

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