You said:
‘Yes I do have FTP backup ( from Cpanel) , is there anyway to get my Menu Bar back to the site. ‘
You might be… I have no way of knowing for sure, since I don’t use this very old version of WP.
Start by checking the menu using the dashboard >appearance > menus.
If possible restore the original menu or create and activate a new menu.
Then apply the menu.
== == == If the above failed, try the below. == == ==
It sounds unlikely that the backup form the controlpanel = an FTP backup. It’s also unclear -yet very important – if you have a database-backup = CONTENT!!
!!BEFORE you do anything else make a backup of both the files AND the database. If the old version already had a export function to backup your database… Create an export-file.
If not: use PHPMyAdmin access through your browser.
Use your webhosts access data.
> Select the correct database > Export-TAB
> Select the database again
> SQL-format>
> leave the rest default
> press start-button [right-bottom].
The progress and result are reported. If successful, you’ll now have a database backup.
== == ==
USE FTP [e.g. Filezilla] to upload the backup you say you have.
Check if things are back to normal.
If not… it’s time to take the plunge and update / start afresh, using the database backup you just made [above] your content can be transferred to the new site.