• Resolved jjprusk


    I have a simple theme and installed the menu but can’t get it to show. I looked at some of the simple items, such as calling wp_head() and wp_footer(), which are both being called. It’s a simple theme and I’m sure that I’m doing something silly. The url is joepruskowski.com and it has a simple theme and I’m just beginning to build the site.



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  • Hi Joe,

    I can see it on the site and working well.

    Can you confirm if you got this working?

    Many thanks


    Thread Starter jjprusk



    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I did get it working and it’s a great plugin.

    One item I found is that on non-responsive sites (ie 7/8, for example) the menu div at the bottom of the page shows. What I did was to add some JavaScript that sets the div to display:none when media queries aren’t available. This may be something worth incorporating into the plugin.


    Hey Joe,

    Thanks for the heads up and not a bad shout.

    Many thanks


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