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  • Hi laughhearty,

    First of all, thanks very much for using the plug-in.

    Unfortunately, it’s very hard to debug local installations as I can never have access to it however I can assure you that the plug-in isn’t broken in 1.9. My site is on version 1.9 and works fine with the plug-in.

    On the local install, the only thing I can suggest is disabling all other plug-ins and changing to the default theme to see if it appears again. Also, are you using the external CSS/JS file option? If so, then you need to copy the responsive-menu-data folder as well as the responsive-menu-folder.

    I hope this helps slightly, please let me know if any of the above helps, if not we can look at something else.

    Many thanks


    Thread Starter Alicia St Rose


    Hi Peter,
    I disabled all plugins, changed theme the Twentythirteen. Still not working.
    I did not check off having CSS/JS as external files.

    The only difference between the one working and the one not working is
    one is on local machine version 3.9 Not working
    one is on remote server version 3.8 Working

    I’ve imported the database and downloaded the them folder many times. Nothing changes.


    Hi laughhearty,

    This is an odd one. I have just setup a local install of WordPress on version 1.9 and the latest version of my plug-in and it is working fine and have not experienced any issues.

    Do you have anything in any error logs on your local install that might be triggering the issue.

    What exactly is not working about it? Is the CSS/JS/HTML being included? Can you see the menu but it doesn’t work when you click on it?

    Are you using the same browser when viewing in the local install etc.

    It’s hard to debug a local install as I would actually need your physical computer to be able to debug it which of course is not a possibility.

    There could be some settings in the local Apache/PHP config files that may effect it but again it’s unlikely.

    Have you tried saving the settings again and seeing if it resets it and gives it a kick?

    Apologies I can’t be of much more help but as I said, local installs are difficult.

    Many thanks


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