• Hi! apparently I did something to remove my top menu on my contact page [ redundant link removed ]
    i tried to get it back but no success. how do i get it back?
    thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Does it look like this?
    Header style on that page is set to “transparent?

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    yes ma’am. it looks just like that!

    Very strange!

    Ok, plan B ??

    You can try to create complete new page ( call if for example contact2 for now), to check if in that case the normal transparent header appears.

    If so, go to the messed up page and copy section, go to the new page and paste it there.
    Like explained here: https://elementor.com/introducing-copy-paste/?utm_source=Elementor&utm_campaign=21687e0f9c-copy-paste-pro&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_34c18994e0-21687e0f9c-132101073

    Then save that new page and check if header is ok.
    If so, go to messed up page and delete it. Make sure you delete it permanently from pastebin too!

    After that go to the new contact2 page and change the name to “contact”.
    Make sure to change the permalink as well, not just the title.
    Hit save and you should be the proud owner of a contactpage with transparent header!

    Hope this helps,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.

    Oh and, if you are not already doing this, please create regular backups.
    My favorite is All in one migration, easy to use and works like a charme.

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    Ooop! i thought you had left for the day, so i already put the contact page in the trash in the dashboard ( i know but don’t be mad), then in customize i went on “menu” and deleted the page. DOES IT MAKE IT GONE FOR GOOD?
    then on dashboard i clicked on “add new page”, called it Contact, i made it 100% full width and i disabled the title (like i did for all the other pages) i clicked “publish”
    where it says “header”, i made it look just like your screenshoot but when i looked at this page on my website it showed again the wrong menu.
    so in header i then changed it from “top menu” to “default” (like i have it with all the other pages), but on the website there is NO menu. i clicked update. i went in customize and placed the page in the main menu and published.
    what am i doing wrong?

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    i just cleared the cache, but it did not change a thing
    the plugin i use for daily backup is UpdraftPlus backup. do i need to switch to All in one migration?


    Quick answer to backups.
    No if you are using Updraft and it works well for you, there is no need to switch, as long as you make sure to have a backup you can revert back to.

    I do not use Updraft, so I do not know if it has a feature like All in one migration, that lets you revert back to previous taken backup’s with a mouse click?

    If updraft has this option, you can revert back to the day you did not yet mess up the contact page?

    I will read the rest soon, just got back onine ??

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.

    i already put the contact page in the trash in the dashboard

    If you only send it to trash, but not deleted it permanently ( in that case you would no longer see it in “trash”) then you can hover over it with mouse and choose “repair” After that the page will be restored.

    Then in customize i went on “menu” and deleted the page. DOES IT MAKE IT GONE FOR GOOD?

    No, you only remove the page from the visible menu on front end with that action. As soon as the page has been restored, you can go to menu again, choose that page from the left site and add it to the menu again.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.

    where it says “header”, i made it look just like your screenshoot but when i looked at this page on my website it showed again the wrong menu.

    IF in customizer, you have the correct default settings, you should not change the per page settings at all -)

    so in header i then changed it from “top menu” to “default” (like i have it with all the other pages), but on the website there is NO menu.

    IF in customizer, you have the correct default settings, you should not change the per page settings at all -)

    Dear Isabelle,

    Ofcourse I am not “mad” and you do not have to do anything I say eather, but may I ask why you are not taking screenshots so I can actually see what the settings are?

    Clearly things are not set right, but I have to quess what and where if I had screenshots I could probably see what is set the right way and what not?

    Are you having trouble making screenshots?

    It is as easy as:

    – Opening your dashboard for example in customizer>header.
    – Going to https://snag.gy/

    follow the simple instructions:

    – Go to you open dashboard, clik ALT+print screen on your keyboard
    – go back to https://snag.gy/ and click CONTROL+C

    After that SNAGGY will present a link to share your screenhot here.

    Can you do that for me?

    I need a screenshot of the settings in:

    – Customizer header
    – the actual page OceanWp settings> header

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    good morning!
    for updraft, i have these tabs below showing:
    “Current Status Existing Backups (15) Migrate / Clone Settings Advanced Tools Premium / Extensions

    In Existing Backups (15), it shows these below (i copied 2 out of the 15)
    Jul 21, 2018 3:34
    Stored at: Google Drive
    Data base Plugins Themes UploadsOthers Restore Delete View Log

    Jul 20, 2018 23:23
    Stored at: Google Drive
    Data base Plugins Themes Uploads Others Restore Delete View Log

    is that what we are looking for?

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    in the dashbord i sent the page to trash and deleted it. it’s not showing on the list of pages. the only contact page showing is the new one i made yesterday.
    i need to mention something that may have affected the contact page in customer on monday: i watched 2 tutorials on how to have multiple themes: so i backed up my site then loaded a plugin called multiple themes . the reason was to have a different look for my glog/post pages. i created a second page called “contact” for the use of my post and i fowed what the tutorial was saying to do in customizer, adding a new photo, etc.. but it was too difficult for me. so i deleted the second contact page in the dashboard and also deleted it in the customizer’s menu. i deleted the multiple theme menu so there is no trace of them. then i tried to retrace my steps and reverted what was done in customizer. i thought i brought back everything in order in the customizer: i went over it several times, but apparently it is not. ?? i am going to send you a screenshot

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    yesterday i did not know how to do the screenshot
    i just went on snaggy and hope i did it right for you
    not https://snag.gy/AQL5b9.jpg

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    i also sent you via snaggy the way it supposed to look and what it supposed to say.


    Hi Isabelle,

    You screenshot tells me you have chosen top menu, it should be transparent.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
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