• Hi! apparently I did something to remove my top menu on my contact page [ redundant link removed ]
    i tried to get it back but no success. how do i get it back?
    thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Just something to try. Have you opened the page in WP rather than Elementor. Depending on your theme, there are options to hide or display the Header and the Top bar. Take a look and see if it is set to Default or Display rather than Hide.
    Interesting, your mobile menu shows on the Contact page.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LesTexas60.

    Hi Isabelle,

    I think Les nailed it.
    Looks like you have overwrtitten the default settings in OceanWP on that one contact page.

    Look below in edit mode for the OceanWP settings>header
    See my screenshot please: https://snag.gy/utYPyi.jpg

    WOW LL, I’m blushing… I couldn’t wait to see your answer to see the right way and I get a complement.

    Haha, well that is exactly what I think happened, lets see if our thoughts are correct ??

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    yes and no! you two are too funny! the menu is back but it is the wrong one! /contact/

    it should look like the one from the other page /stories-encourage/

    i messed up somewhere ?? can you please help me get the correct menu?

    Your code for the contact page says
    <header id=”site-header” class=”top-header clr” data-height=”85″ itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”https://schema.org/WPHeader”&gt;

    The other pages show Class “TRansparent-header clr”

    I changed the header class to transparent in “Inspector” and the correct menu came up.

    Do you have any custom headers created?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LesTexas60.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LesTexas60.

    Hi Isabelle,

    Lets start by asking what you did to have the wrong menu showing up?
    Considering Les investigation, all the other pages are using the transparent header setting. So what is chosen in that particular contact page in the OceanWP settings? See my screenshot earlier please.

    I suppose the “default” header should be assigned there, so it will show the default header style you have set in OceanWP header in your customizer?

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    Yesterday, i did what you recommended: when i assigned the default header it showed the menu, but the wrong one. i have tried to remember what i did to cause that,but i don’t.

    OK, and what have you set to be the defuault header style in Customizer> Header>General?

    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    in the customizer.header. general it shows:
    *style: transparent (and it is the same in the other menu pages)
    *height:41 (but for other menu pages it is 85)
    *the colors of background and border bottom colors are the same than the other pages
    *padding: 0 (it is the same in the other pages)
    *Top menu settings (but for the other pages it does not show that, it says instead: “content after header” with a blank box)
    *Menu position:Before the logo (but in the other menu pages it does not say that, it says instead “transparent header setting”)
    *it also shows:menu background colors, search button border color, seach button color, and search button color:Hover (but in the other menu pages it only shows background color)
    thank you so much for trying to help me!

    Hi Isabelle,

    Ok, so you have the transparent header set to default.
    That means that, without changing things per page, all pages will have the transparent header by default.

    If this is not happening on the contact page, this means only on that page, the OceanWP settings for header are not transparent.

    When I inspect it with the chrome developer extention it tells me the contact page is set to “top header”.

    Have you tried to set it not to default but to transparent header?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    i think i did. would it work if i completely deleted this page from the “dashboard pages”, i did the contact page all over again?

    Hmm, you think you did? ??
    HAve you checked the settings on that contactpage itself?
    While in edit mode ( before hitting Elementor ) where you see the extra OcceanWP settings? See my screenshot please: https://snag.gy/utYPyi.jpg

    What is the header set to there please?
    Could you make a screenshot so I can see the settings there?
    It is super easy to share a screenshot link with https://snag.gy/

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
    Thread Starter isabelle1965


    yes ma’am. this is what you told me to do yesterday, and so i did, then it showed the wrong menu. actually a moment ago i placed my mouse arrow on the top white header and the words of the menu are written in white. below is the logo and then below is my site identy description. this is all wrong. that’s why i thought of deleting the page and redoing it. i don’t mind redoing it if it does not mess up my website!? if i do that, in the customizer i would need to remove the contact page in the menu; am i correct?

    Haha, ok so it is the transparent header that is set on the contactpageand not set to default, because that is ( if I recall correctly ), what you said yesterday?

    LogoLogics (@logologics)
    12 hours, 29 minutes ago
    Hi Isabelle,

    So what is chosen in that particular contact page in the OceanWP settings? See my screenshot earlier please.

    I suppose the “default” header should be assigned there, so it will show the default header style you have set in OceanWP header in your customizer?

    isabelle1965 (@isabelle1965)
    8 hours, 56 minutes ago
    Yesterday, i did what you recommended: when i assigned the default header it showed the menu, but the wrong one. i have tried to remember what i did to cause that,but i don’t.

    See? Yesterday you told me you set it to default, not transparent..

    So did you set it to default in that page or did you actually choose “transparent”?
    A screenshot would be a trmendeous help..:-)

    Creating a complete new page should have transparent header, if this is correctly set in the customizer. However if you just set it to transparent ( not default ) my quess is, this would be resolved too.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by LogoLogics.
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