The workaround doesn’t work.
I already had a page (not post) called Store. It was listed on the Menu, second from last. (ie Link1 Link2 Link3 Store Link5)
After installing MarketPress plugin, the Store link is removed and Order Status link shows up at the end of the Menu (ie Link1 Link2 Link3 Link5 Order Status)
In the Menu screen, I see that the Store entry is still there, in the correct place (second from last) but now has three sub-menus attached. On investigation, all three sub-menus are for Store and point to the same URL as the main menu item. But Order Status does not display as having any sub-menu items.
I removed the Store and its sub-items from the Menu screen and saved. The Menu displayed fine, but without any link at all to the Store or Order Status or anything.
I created a Custom Link to Store and placed it in the Menu. I clicked Save and when the page refreshed, there was Store and three sub-menus – all with the title of Store and link to the same page. All designated as Custom Link.
Loading the page I see that it once again show Order Status.
I have no other way of linking to my Store if this this plugin automatically diverts the links and changes the text. Please hurry and fix this.