• I’ve problems with set menu multilanguage.
    I’ve a problem with menu items with link.

    I have a menu with item to portfolio page and I must use menu item link to reach the page.

    When I put the different url (one about english, one about italian) with code
    the menu item is not linkable becouse the url value is empty.

    I tried with the code ‘[en:]’, but doesn’t work.

    I understand that I’d put the value of field in __(), I solved the same problem with custom fields, but I don’t find when/where the value of menu-item-url has saved.

    Can you help me?

    Thank you


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  • i am having same problem

    Thread Starter Sabrina_B


    I don’t remember why, but i’d disitalled qtranslate plus and installed mqTranslate.

    And i solved the problem re-writing the code of navigation menu!
    I think that solution is good with qTranslate plus too.

    I put this code in function.php

    /* Funzione per l'inserimento della scelta della lingua
    if ( !function_exists( 'new_nav_menu_items' ) ) :
    	function new_nav_menu_items($items) {
    		$lang = qtrans_getLanguage();
     		$url_it = qtrans_convertURL($plink, 'it');
     	 	$url_en = qtrans_convertURL($plink, 'en');
    		if($lang == 'it')
    			$homelink = "<li>&nbsp;</li><li id='lingua' class='menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-52'><a href='" . $url_en . "'>English</a></li><!--" . $lang . "  -->";
    			$homelink = "<li>&nbsp;</li><li id='lingua' class='menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-52'><a href='" . $url_it . "'>Italiano</a></li><!--" . $lang . "  -->";
    		$items = $items . $homelink;
        		return $items;
    	add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'new_nav_menu_items' );

    It works, but i don’t know if that is the best solution.

    I hope that I have not forgotten any additional steps.


    I had the same problem but I read a post that helped me.
    The link pages I wanted to pass on my menu were product categories. In case you want to do the same you may add the product categories in your menu choice buttons by going at the top of the page and choose Screen Options and then select the Product Categories choise.
    This will then add the product categories in your menu button options and you can easily drag them to your menu.

    You can translate the categories after you instal the plugin:
    qtranslate slug

    And then:
    1. Find and open qtranslate-slug.php (in the folder for qtranslate-slug)
    2. Search and replace all qtrans_ with ppqtrans_
    3. On row 262, make sure it says: (!is_plugin_active(‘qtranslate-xp/ppqtranslate.php’) &&

    as described in the post:

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