Hi Bliss7!
Please make sure, that at the Advanced Parameters -> Always Opened you don’t have any level selected. You can deselect by pushing Ctrl, and clicking on the levels.
Probably that won’t be the problem, but rather, that you have a javascript error, which makes your website’s js code to stop before our menu’s code. You should check it in Chrome, press F12, click on Console, and refresh the page. Then if you will see javascript errors, you should start solving them from the top, because the other ones could be caused by that too. If you check the path, probably you can figure it out where the error is coming from, from a plugin or your theme.
Another problem could be, that if you have a bigger html error, like one of these are missing:
In Firefox if you right click on your website, and choose “View page source” you will see the bad parts marked as red.
If you send me a link to your website, I can tell what is the cause. If you don’t want to send it here, you can send it to my email address: [email protected]