• We had a problem with the latest WP (5.6) update! Menu in small units disappeared. We fell back on the previous version and hope that the problem will be solved soon.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    What do you mean by “menu in small units”?

    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    With the update, the menu in mobiles disappeared. As always, it is believed that it is due to other things, but after trying possible causes, it was resolved to go back to the previous version of WordPress.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    This sounds like a problem with your theme. Please contact the support team for your theme if there’s no outstanding update for it.

    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    Hey! Thanks! Of course, we can contact the Theme Makers. But there did not seem to be any issues with either theme (child theme), plugins or database. Everything is up to date. The menu problem appears when we updated WP. So we fell back and now it’s full function. Now we keep our fingers crossed and wait for a bug fix by WP.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    There’s no evidence this is a core WP bug. What theme are you using? There were major jQuery changes that probably require an update to the theme.

    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    Hello again! I contacted the theme spouses and referred our discussion.

    To be continued:)

    Warm greetings – Dag

    Thread Starter Dag Persson


    After som work the menu is visible again.

    Thanks for Your support.


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