• Howdy! My site works great on most browsers, but on older IE browsers, my navigation hides behind my images and the text-overlay should appear transparent but is solid black on older browsers. Can you help me??? My site is https://www.oliverianschool.org.

    Thank you!

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  • ‘transparent’ as a CSS color is not supported in older browsers…Also, you should advise your visitors to upgrade as using older browsers is insecure. You could add a conditional statement in your stylesheet for older browsers that make use of image files (.png’s usually with a transparent background – the old old method).

    Thread Starter juliegaffey


    Thanks…but how do I add the conditional statement? And, is there a way to take out the black box and read the text only? I just don’t see how I could ask visitors to upgrade their browsers, eventhough that would be idea.

    Here is one way from Google and another from Microsoft…I use the latter on my sites…the pages inform what code to use and where to place it…If you are not familiar with how to proprely add code to your site, I suggest hiring an expert

    My menu link is not display on ie6 so what will do for dat.

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