The Genesis FrameWork (required to run Genesis themes) is a premium product and I don’t have a Genesis FrameWork license, so can’t test anything under a Genesis FrameWork environment.
Is the issue related to widgets (under “Appearance” > “Widgets”) AND the Display Widgets SEO Plugin or is this a Genesis FrameWork issue and you aren’t familiar with how the WordPress Support Forums work (I noticed you are new to the WordPress Forums)?
If it’s a Genesis FrameWork specific issue, the Genesis FrameWork isn’t hosted on the website (there’s no Genesis specific Support Forum here). Assuming you aren’t running a nulled (free) version of Genesis, you should ask at (need a Genesis license to use) or maybe (think that’s free).
A quick Google search for: “Genesis primary and secondary menu widgets” gives this webpage which suggests your issue is with Genesis Navigation Menus (under “Appearance” > “Menus”) which the Display Widgets SEO Plugin doesn’t deal with.
If your WordPress navigation menus are missing go to “Appearance” > “Menus” and check the settings.
The SEO theme I develop (Stallion Responsive : includes Primary and Secondary navigation menus (and a couple of others), nothing special about them (lots of themes have them). They are a couple of navigation menus that are loaded in different parts of the page.
If you’ve recently switched Genesis themes either the new theme lacks those navigation menus (not all Genesis themes will have them) or you’ll have to set them again under “Appearance” > “Menus”. Even switching to a child theme can disable your navigation menus, simple case of after each theme/child theme change of going under the “Appearance” > “Menus” > “Manage Locations” tab and selecting the relevant menu for each Menu Location.
There might also be Genesis theme options for disabling the navigation menus, Stallion Responsive has this type of option, if a user has gone under the Stallion themes “Layout Options” page and selected-
Navigation Menu Primary : Navigation Menu OFF
Navigation Menu Secondary : Secondary Navigation Menu OFF
The two nav menus won’t load. These types of theme options are good for performance SEO reasons, if a feature isn’t used, turn them off completely.
The Menu you have selected under “Appearance” > “Menus” can also be added as a widget under “Appearance” > “Widgets” as a “Custom Menu” Widget. Custom Menu Widgets are covered by the Display Widgets SEO Plugin, you can set which sections of a site they load on.
David Law