• I have added some new buttons to the menu on my top banner, and after doing that, the columns do not line up evenly in Firefox and Microsoft Edge. The menus appear fine in Google Chrome.

    It also looks fine on mobile. I would like it to look even on all platforms.

    This is my website: Dolphins of the Desert. Please look at it on all platforms, and advise how I can make it look the same everywhere. Thank you!!!

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  • Helloo,

    I can see that the width of the items is now 241px.

    .nav-horizontal ul.menu > li > a { width 241px; }

    Try setting it to 240px – I think that would work.

    (I can not see the exact location because I think you are using some kind of caching plugin ?? )

    Thread Starter dolphindesert


    Thanks for the help, but I cannot find where I can make this change. I did some web searching and it said to change in the CSS, but I don’t think I have that feature. How can I change the width on the menus? I am not a trained web developer, so I’ll need some specific details. Thanks!


    Yes the change has to be made in de CSS ??

    In WordPress you have the option to change files in the editor (left side appearance – editor) On the right side there should be styles – and style sheets.

    In the general.css there you can search for: .nav-horizontal ul.menu > li > a { width 241px; } – and change it to 240px.

    Before you do that – copy the whole CSS – in case something goes wrong.
    I would also make a backup just to me sure.

    I don’t know if you have a child theme? If you don’t have a child theme then you have to make this change again when the theme has an update.

    Hope this will help you! Good luck ??

    Thread Starter dolphindesert


    I am using the Headway theme, and I don’t see a “general.css” but rather “style.css” on the right side. There is no child theme.

    This is what I see:

    THEME NAME:Headway Base
    THEME URI:https://www.headwaythemes.com
    AUTHOR:Headway Themes
    AUTHOR URI:https://www.headwaythemes.com
    DESCRIPTION:Headway is a feature-packed theme with drag and drop layout editing, point and click design capabilities, powerful search engine optimization and much more. For help, you can access our support or go to the Headway documentation.
    LICENSE: Terms of Service
    LICENSE URI: https://headwaythemes.com/terms-of-service

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by dolphindesert.


    Style.css is possible to – is that the only thing that you see?

    Or is there also a lot of code?

    Thread Starter dolphindesert


    Again, I am not a web developer, so I might not answer your question as you would like.

    I only see “style.css” when I click on “Editor” from the “Appearance” menu, and no code anywhere in WordPress, which is good for me. Any detailed steps you can give to change this width would be helpful.

    Helloo ??

    Hmm maybe it is to difficult to explain if you are not a web developer…
    I can′t see what you are seeing – that makes it extra difficult.

    I think it is a small adjustment in the code – if you can send me a email with your website information I can fix it for you!

    Have a great sunday!

    Thread Starter dolphindesert


    OK. What website information do you need

    For now just the WordPress login!

    Thread Starter dolphindesert


    I don’t feel comfortable giving you the login to access the design portion of our website. Can we set up a time to do a phone call and you can walk me through the process of fixing this issue?

    I can imagine that – But for me it is not possible to walk you trough it if I don’t know how it looks like.

    Every theme / website is different – so there is not 1 way to fix it.

    If the code is not accessible through the editor (I can’t see it, so I am not sure) – then you have to get the file trough FTP. If you are not a developer – this is to difficult for me to explain trough phone.

    I wish you good luck and I hope you can fix it another way!

    Thread Starter dolphindesert


    Is there anyone who can help me with my menu issue without needing my login information? If it is a “simple” fix, I hope someone can just detail the steps needed.

    Here is the info on my website’s design:

    ### Begin System Info ###

    Child Theme: N/A

    Multi-site: No

    SITE_URL: https://www.dolphinsofthedesert.com
    HOME_URL: https://www.dolphinsofthedesert.com

    Headway Version: 3.7.6
    WordPress Version: 4.4.8

    PHP Version: 5.2.17
    MySQL Version: 5.6.32-78.1-log
    Web Server Info: Apache
    GD Support: Yes

    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Post Max Size: 50M

    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: Disabled
    Debug Mode: Disabled

    Show On Front: page
    Page On Front: 7
    Page For Posts: 0

    Amount of Posts: ~0
    Amount of Pages: ~13
    Amount of Blocks: ~6

    Responsive Grid: Disabled

    Caching Allowed: Yes
    Caching Enabled: No
    Caching Plugin: No caching plugin active

    SEO Plugin: No SEO plugin active

    Operating System: Windows
    Browser: Google Chrome
    Browser Version: 51.0.2704.79

    Full User Agent:
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Edge/14.14393


    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget 2.2.8

    Contact Form 7 4.4

    Meta Slider 3.3.7

    ### End System Info ###

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