Hi again @duongcuong96,
my automated biweekly schedule didnt run for a while (at least according to the protocols), so I only realized now that I did not get any more emails about successful and failed runs.
When manually starting it, some errors happened:
[INFO] BackWPup 3.6.6; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
[INFO] WordPress 4.7.11 on https://***.com/
[INFO] Log Level: Debug
[INFO] BackWPup job: Bi-weekly automated backup; DBCHECK+DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN
[INFO] Runs with user: (0)
[INFO] Cron: 0 3 * * 3; Next: Mi, 5 Dez 2018 @ 03:00
[INFO] BackWPup job started manually
[INFO] PHP ver.: 7.2.11-he.0 (64bit); apache2handler; Linux
[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 300 seconds
[INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.6.37-82.2-log
[INFO] Web Server: Apache
[INFO] curl ver.: 7.38.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1t
[INFO] Temp folder is: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-027fb9-temp/
[INFO] Logfile is: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-027fb9-logs/backwpup_log_027fb9_2018-12-04_09-51-03.html
[INFO] Backup file is: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-027fb9-backups/backup_backwpup_2018-12-04_09h51m03s_54BH7OME01.zip
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:03] 1. Try to backup database …
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:03] Connected to database db12406305-1 on localhost
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:03] Backup database table "wp_ahm_download_stats" with "472" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:03] Backup database table "wp_ahm_emails" with "0" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:03] Backup database table "wp_bc_ranking" with "0" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:04] Backup database table "wp_commentmeta" with "121" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:04] Backup database table "wp_comments" with "140" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:04] Backup database table "wp_es_deliverreport" with "8" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:04] Backup database table "wp_es_emaillist" with "2" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:04] Backup database table "wp_es_notification" with "1" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:05] Backup database table "wp_es_sentdetails" with "4" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:05] Backup database table "wp_gglcptch_whitelist" with "~0" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:05] Backup database table "wp_layerslider" with "10" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:05] Backup database table "wp_links" with "0" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:05] Backup database table "wp_options" with "772" records
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:06] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 815104 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:06] Restart after 3 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 10:51:37] WARNING: Empty row packet body
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:37] 2. Try to backup database …
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:37] Connected to database db12406305-1 on localhost
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:37] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1626112 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 09:51:37] Restart after 1 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:08] 3. Try to backup database …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:09] Connected to database db12406305-1 on localhost
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:09] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1626112 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:09] Restart after 1 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:40] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:40] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:43] Added "wp-config.php" to backup file list
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:43] 2732 folders to backup.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:43] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:43] Added plugin list file "***.pluginlist.2018-12-04.txt.gz" with 1,34 KB to backup file list.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:43] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:44] Added manifest.json file with 6,23 KB to backup file list.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:44] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:44] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:44] Adding Extra files to Archive
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:44] Archiving Folder: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:46] Archiving Folder: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/fonts/
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:47] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 212992 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:47] Restart after 7 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:49] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:49] Archiving Folder: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/fonts/
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:49] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 417792 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:49] Restart after 1 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:50] 3. Trying to create backup archive …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:51] Archiving Folder: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/fonts/
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:51] Archiving Folder: /is/htdocs/wp12406305_K5U4X5H6V9/www/***/wp-admin/
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:57] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 36864 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:57] Restart after 8 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:59] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:59] 2 backup files deleted
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:59] 1. Trying to check database …
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:59] Result of table check for wp_ahm_download_stats is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:52:59] Result of table check for wp_ahm_emails is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_bc_ranking is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_commentmeta is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_comments is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_es_deliverreport is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_es_emaillist is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_es_notification is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_es_sentdetails is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_gglcptch_whitelist is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_layerslider is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:00] Result of table check for wp_links is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:01] Result of table check for wp_options is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:01] Result of table check for wp_postmeta is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:01] Result of table check for wp_posts is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:01] Result of table check for wp_revslider_css is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:01] Result of table check for wp_revslider_layer_animations is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:01] Result of table check for wp_revslider_navigations is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_revslider_settings is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_revslider_sliders is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_revslider_slides is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_revslider_static_slides is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_snp_stats is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_term_relationships is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_term_taxonomy is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_termmeta is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_terms is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:02] Result of table check for wp_usermeta is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_users is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_wpbackitup_job_control is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_wpbackitup_job_items is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_wpbackitup_job_tasks is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_wpmm_subscribers is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_yoast_seo_links is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Result of table check for wp_yoast_seo_meta is: OK
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] Database check done!
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:03] One old log deleted
[04-Dec-2018 09:53:04] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 121 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
I disabled wp_options, wp_postmeta and wp_revslider_slides, which all threw errors. Would be nice to have them backed up though.
Additionally now it throws this:
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:10] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:11] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 147456 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:12] Restart after 13 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:13] 2. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:13] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 286720 bytes)
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:13] Restart after 1 seconds.
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:15] 3. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:15] Added "wp-config.php" to backup file list
[04-Dec-2018 11:10:15] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
but that is fine, i guess?
Any ideas how i can prevent these errors and how i can backup wp_options, wp_postmeta and wp_revslider_slides?
Thanks a lot in advance!