Memcached::set() expects parameter 3
I am getting the following warming on Debug:
[08-Nov-2020 04:10:36 UTC] PHP Warning: Memcached::set() expects parameter 3 to be int, string given in /home/ on line 487
The only way to fix this until now was editing the file and replacing the variable $ttl by 360 or any number.
Why is this warning??? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /producto/vaporizador-fenix-pro/ Query String: HTTP_REFERER: User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 Accept Encoding: gzip Cookie _lscache_vary: 0c9dd8fd84088a78ec071ea4c957b4fe X-LSCACHE: true LSCACHE_VARY_COOKIE: wp-postpass_504fe1d511a41c5ceb70c2a618fce08b [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #stats_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #subscribe_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et-pb-contact-form-submit [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et_frontend_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et_ab_log_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_update_shipping_costs_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_start_checkout_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_generate_cart_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #switch_to_olduser_'<ID>' [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] \#caldera_forms_front_.* [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #SearchWP [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #wpDataTables [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() [Router] get_role: administrator [Media] init [LQIP] init [CDN] init ? Task init [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty [GUI] init [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on API: 3rd woo added ESI [08-Nov-2020 04:18:20 UTC] PHP Warning: Memcached::set() expects parameter 3 to be int, string given in /home/ on line 487 [Core] Footer hook called [ESI] param --- array ( 'ref' => '/producto/vaporizador-fenix-pro/', ) [ESI] md5_string=admin-barprivate,no-varyeyJyZWYiOiJcL3Byb2R1Y3RvXC92YXBvcml6YWRvci1mZW5peC1wcm9cLyJ9 [ESI] ?? [BLock_ID] admin-bar [wrapper] adminbar [Control] private,no-vary <!-- lscwp adminbar --><esi:include src='/?lsesi=admin-bar&_control=private%2Cno-vary&esi=eyJyZWYiOiJcL3Byb2R1Y3RvXC92YXBvcml6YWRvci1mZW5peC1wcm9cLyJ9&_hash=3e669f7fbaf75bf8fa98d4ff996fb2bb' cache-control='private,no-vary' /><!-- lscwp adminbar esi end --> [Core] Footer check passed [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99 [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true [Vary] admin bar : true API: 3rd woo added vary due to cart not empty [Vary] set_cookie ---> admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;woo_cart:1 [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( changing default vary 0c9dd8fd84088a78ec071ea4c957b4fe => admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;woo_cart:1 ) => LiteSpeed\Control::set_nocache(( changing default vary 0c9dd8fd84088a78ec071ea4c957b4fe => admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;woo_cart)@362 => LiteSpeed\Vary->_update_default_vary()@309 => LiteSpeed\Vary->_finalize()@509 [Vary] no custimzed vary ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache,esi=on [Core] Footer check passed [Media] finalize GUI bypassed by no counter [Optm] start CDN bypass End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OQn] ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-content/litespeed/localres/ OQn] Query String: OQn] HTTP_REFERER: OQn] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36 OQn] Accept: */* OQn] Accept Encoding: gzip OQn] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;woo_cart:1 OQn] X-LSCACHE: true OQn] LSCACHE_VARY_COOKIE: wp-postpass_504fe1d511a41c5ceb70c2a618fce08b OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #stats_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #subscribe_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et-pb-contact-form-submit OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et_frontend_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et_ab_log_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_update_shipping_costs_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_start_checkout_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_generate_cart_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #switch_to_olduser_'<ID>' OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] \#caldera_forms_front_.* OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #SearchWP OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #wpDataTables OQn] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* OQn] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 6Pd] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-cron.php 6Pd] Query String: doing_wp_cron=1604809103.2006530761718750000000 6Pd] HTTP_REFERER: 6Pd] User Agent: WordPress/5.5.3; 6Pd] Accept: */* 6Pd] Accept Encoding: deflate, gzip, br 6Pd] X-LSCACHE: true 6Pd] LSCACHE_VARY_COOKIE: wp-postpass_504fe1d511a41c5ceb70c2a618fce08b 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #stats_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #subscribe_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et-pb-contact-form-submit 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et_frontend_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #et_ab_log_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_update_shipping_costs_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_start_checkout_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #_wc_ppec_generate_cart_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #switch_to_olduser_'<ID>' 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] \#caldera_forms_front_.* 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #SearchWP 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] #wpDataTables 6Pd] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* 6Pd] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 6Pd] [Router] get_role: 6Pd] [Media] init 6Pd] [LQIP] init 6Pd] [CDN] init 6Pd] ? Task init 6Pd] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty 6Pd] [GUI] init 6Pd] [Img_Optm] cron_pull running 6Pd] [Img_Optm] ? no need pull [tag] 6Pd] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const 6Pd] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize 6Pd] [Router] get_role: 6Pd] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 6Pd] [Router] get_role: 6Pd] [Router] get_role: 6Pd] [Vary] no custimzed vary 6Pd] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache 6Pd] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const 6Pd] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type 6Pd] GUI bypassed by no counter 6Pd] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type 6Pd] CDN bypass 6Pd] End response -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OQn] [Router] get_role: administrator OQn] [Media] init OQn] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no-vary => LiteSpeed\Control::set_no_vary()@171 => LiteSpeed\Localization->serve_static( => LiteSpeed\Router::serve_static()@666 => LiteSpeed\LSC->after_user_init()@202 OQn] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> public forced ( Localized Resources ) OQn] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const OQn] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99 OQn] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true OQn] [Vary] admin bar : true OQn] [Vary] set_cookie ---> admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99 OQn] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( changing default vary admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;woo_cart:1 => admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99 ) => LiteSpeed\Control::set_nocache(( changing default vary admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;woo_cart:1 => admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:9)@362 => LiteSpeed\Vary->_update_default_vary()@309 => LiteSpeed\Vary->_finalize()@509 OQn] [Vary] no custimzed vary OQn] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,no-vary,max-age=604800 OQn] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: c1e_LOCALRES,c1e_default,c1e_URL.fab71afe44e8ab818cd319c863f125d3,c1e_ OQn] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const OQn] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type OQn] GUI bypassed by no counter OQn] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type OQn] [CDN] init OQn] CDN bypass OQn] End response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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