• Memberships Subscribe Button URL Not Working with WC checkout after new update: 


    Our website is :  https://pi-gate.com/ 

    Membership Plan page (custom page) : https://pi-gate.com/professional-membership-plans/

    we use  (WCFM ) integral lifetime paid plugins for our Marketplace functions and also ( Woocommerce ) plugins and ( WC Subscription ) Plugin for Subscription Products, 

    After the new updates in 2024 the Process of Subscription in Membership Plans was NOT working and the URLs of all Payable Membership plans were not working !! 

    Before the new updates they were working correctly with WC Checkout without problem, but now it is impossible for vendors to Subscribe to our Membership Plans !! 

    If a Vendor tries to choose a payable plan and then he will be redirected to the Registration form page , then after validation he will be redirected to an EMPTY CARTE page !! 

    I sent a Ticket to the Support Team, then I got only a reply with a question to know some information (already clear with the Video shared) and then NOTHING !! 

    I sent you a Support Ticket in WCFM account (#562001) concerning this issue but You Ignored all my messages indicating all response that I got from Woocommerce support team & WordPress Support team which say that there is a problem coming from WCFM Plugins & you must do something to update your plugins to be in harmony with WordPress & Woocommerce updates, because the process that WCFM use to redirect pages in Subscription for Membership Plans is in conflict with Woocommerce process , the problem occur like that !! 

    I tried more than 50 codes to try to redirect pages as they must be in the logic of the process but the only 2 Codes that worked ONLY for 2 or 3 minutes and then They stopped working again !! 

    and then I asked Woocommrece support team about that, and they said that they were working in the beginning for few minutes before that they were detected and blocked by Woocommerce and WordPress Server automatically because they are in conflict with WCFM actual codes & Woocommerce updated version !!! 

    So they advised me again to CONTACT WCFM support team BUT your team IGNORE ALL MY MESSAGES as you do ALWAYS if you don’t have a ready reply to copy and paste to send to me !!! & You keep ignoring me bor several weeks and for some Support demande you still ignoring me for SEVERAL MONTHs !!! 

    I already paid to use WCFM plugins, so I expect that could have a minimum level of respect for your client to reply & give me an explication for your ignoration & NON SUPPORT  when the problem were confirmed from Woocommerce that it was from WCFM plugins !! 

    So I’m waiting for your reply & I hope that you will not continue to ignore my support request please to help me to solve this issue caused by WCFM plugins which must be in accordance with Woocommerce Checkout Codes as they changed the Checkout codes in their last update in 2024 !! 


    here are the few example of codes that I tried to add to Php child theme & did not work : 

    Code 1 : 
    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘custom_membership_redirect_script’);

    function custom_membership_redirect_script() {
        <script type=”text/javascript”>
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                $(‘.wcfm_membership_plan_subscription_button’).on(‘click’, function(e) {

                    // Extract membership ID from the URL
                    var membershipId = $(this).attr(‘href’).match(/membership=(\d+)/)[1];

                    // Redirect to the registration page
                    window.location.href = ‘https://pi-gate.com/pro-registration/?membership_id=&#8217; + membershipId;

    Code 2 : add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘custom_membership_redirect_script’);

    function custom_membership_redirect_script() {
        <script type=”text/javascript”>
            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                $(‘.wcfm_membership_plan_subscription_button’).on(‘click’, function(e) {

                    // Extract membership ID from the URL
                    var membershipId = $(this).attr(‘href’).match(/membership=(\d+)/)[1];

                    // Redirect to the registration page
                    window.location.href = ‘https://pi-gate.com/pro-registration/?membership_id=&#8217; + membershipId;

                // Add a listener for the registration form submission
                $(‘#wcfmmp_registration_submit’).on(‘click’, function(e) {
                    // Ensure the membership ID is passed along with the registration form
                    var membershipId = $(‘#wcfm_membership_id’).val();
                    $(‘#wcfmmp_registration_submit’).attr(‘href’, function(_, href) {
                        return href + ‘&membership_id=’ + membershipId;

    More Information that you may need : 

    • The default WCFM Membership Plan Page which contains the Short Code [wcfm_vendor_membership]  is (Pro Membership Plans WCFM) page.
    • The Registration Page is ( Pro Registration ) with the Short Code [wcfm_vendor_registration] .
    • The Payment Mode for all Membership plans is (WC Checkout ), because I use now (Woo Subscription) Plugin for Subscription products.
    • Custom Membership Plan is ( Professional Membership Plans ) in taking in consideration that all Buttons are connected to each membership plan with the URL in each Membership Plan in WCFM , the page is in this link :  PI GATE PI GATE Marketplace for Services, Bookings, Appointments & Job Offers Professional Membership Plans (pi-gate.com)
    •  Custom Thank you Page is ( Successful Membership Registration )  with this link :  pi-gate.com/successful-membership-registration
    • Cart page is ( Basket ) and it is made with Woocommerce Short Code : [woocommerce_cart]
    • Payment Page is ( Payment Page ) with the Shortcode : [woocommerce_checkout]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter pi


    Additional information about The Empty Cart Inspection >> Console :

    eh-payment-request-button.js?ver=3.9.5:120 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘displayItems’)
    at Object.startPaymentRequest (eh-payment-request-button.js?ver=3.9.5:120:41)
    at Object.success (eh-payment-request-button.js?ver=3.9.5:20:36)
    at c (jquery.min.js:2:25304)
    at Object.fireWith as resolveWith
    at l (jquery.min.js:2:77782)
    at XMLHttpRequest. (jquery.min.js:2:80265)

    Same issue here, hopping for a fix as well

    As a temporary solution i have created payment links with stripe so that at least we can get some sort of payment going, altough that means we will have to manually assign diferrente plans and capabilities to vendors, which sucks.
    For the free plan i’ve used the vendor register shortcode and applied the free plan as the standart in the dashboard settings.
    If you or anyone have a better solution please let me know

    Thread Starter pi


    I’m still waiting for support answer here ! or even for my multiple Support Tickets that I sent to WCFM website !!

    I just get replies to ask me for an admoin access which I already sent it several times !!! & then NO answer & you keep ingoring my support requests !!!

    this is really NOT Professional at all !!! when you sell plugins you guaranti the good functions of your plugins & also support, but your way to ignore all support request when all evidences from WordPress & Woocommerce support teams prove that the issue come from WCFM plugins which do not adapted to actual WordPress & Woocommerce versions & must be updated to be accurate with thier new versions !!

    I was forced to change from WC Checout to WCFM integrated payment option which has also several issues in payment process which is broken & does not work correctly & cannot redirect to (Thank you custom page) just to not loose my clients in waiting for WCFM support answer to solve this issue !!!

    You can see that there are several other WCFM users who have the same issue , so it is not a unic case that I had !!!

    So please we need support to update WCFM plugins to be adapted with actual version of WordPress & WooCommerce Checkout process !!

    Thread Starter pi


    ? Even the temporary way to use WCFM payment option without passing by WC Checkout process breaks the (Multi Currency that we use in our website in using WC Checkout & Woocommerce payment multi currency which Worked correctly before the recent updates in 2024 !!? ?

    So really the Absence of WCFM Support is NOT ACCEPTABLE !!

    Thread Starter pi


    I sent 3 tickets for WCFM support but I got only the answers (give us an admin access) & (the admin acces does not work) !!

    I already sent several times in all support request the (Admin access) and from where they can acces it , but they don’t even read messages,

    I’m waiting now for several weeks without any real support !!

    this is really strange and unacceptable of this attitude to not care at all about plugins that you sell & the absence of support for several weeks !!

    Please I need to solve this issue !!!

    Thread Starter pi


    I tried to turn arround to find atemporary way to authorise membership plan subscription in using WC Checout, in waiting the Update of WCFM Plugins with the solution of this issue !!

    As the support teamof WCFM try to keep ignoring that the reason of this issue is their plugins in conflict with new updates of Woocommerce payment !! and continue to send strange answers such as ( it is may be other custom codes or other plugins or theme issue !!

    Even that I already do all the checkup for conflict with other plugins & theme !! & no custom code related to the payment process at all !!

    here is the way that I found , but it is temporary & will not give a good user experience in your website, but it is better than nothing, I hope that it could help :

    The potential vendor must (Register) in your website as a normal user as first step, then if he is in his user account, then he can choose a membership plan and when he click to continue the prossess he will be redirected to registration page of WCFM then after validation he will be redirected to (Payment page) and the user can continue the payment, and then he will be redircted to (WCFM Thank You page) even if you configured a custom thank you page this will not show in the prosses !! so you need to add a notification in your websites about that to avoid the bad user experience !

    So WCFM support team must find a real solution for that in the new update

    I hope that that could help !

    Thread Starter pi


    Other new issues appeared with the new update :

    1- I noticed that from few days the ( Ledger Book ) disappeared totally from Admin & Vendor dashboard & the access of (Vendor & Admin Dashboard to his account on WCFM) disappeared from (My Account page) after the new WCFM update from a few days !!

    2- I noticed this problem related to Ledger Book & WCFM dashboard access in the initial website (?pi-gate.com?) which is with WordPress hosting , and also with another website under construction on another hosting (hostinger)

    3- all that added in + to the problem that I sent to you for nearly 2 months now stays without a solution !!! (I submitted several support tickets ( #564127 ) + ( #563090 ) + ( #562001 ) & I get several direct e-mail to our website contact e-mail showing that a lot of WCFM usres facing the same issuewit Membership plans URLs & empty card !!

    & you keep ignoring my requests for support !!

    Could you please correct the new update to solve the issues of Ledger book & WCFM dashboard acces from (My Account ) page , or please tell me how to make them back to appear again with a code to show them again ? & also I’m still waiting for your new update to solve the conflict with Woocopayment related to the URLs of Membership plans on WCFM .

    I hope that you could help to solve these issues please

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by pi.
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