Membership Access not to be found
Hi, I’d like to add courses to a membership, but the “Member Access” box that shown in your help video simply is not on my course page.
I’ve set up both courses and memberships.
I do have the membership protection showing on pages and posts, just not on courses.
On the course page, I’ve made sure that all the screen options are checked ON.
I’ve reinstalled LifterLMS.
I’ve turned off all plugins and turned on 2017 theme.
Any suggestions? — Thanks!
——————————————-Home Url:
Site Url:
Version: 4.9.2
Debug Mode: No
Locale: en_US
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Blog (#5872)
Page On Front: Ukulele for Brand New Beginners Online Video Course (#17789)
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Show On Front: posts
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 3.15.1
Db Version: 3.15.1
Course Catalog: Course Catalog (#25115)
Course Catalog Per Page: 10
Course Catalog Sorting: date,DESC
Membership Catalog: Membership Catalog (#25116)
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Site Membership: Not Set
Student Dashboard: My Courses (#25117)
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-account
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: yes
Password Strength Meter: no
Minimum Password Strength: medium
Terms Required: no
Terms Page: Not Set
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: hidden
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: no
Open Registration: yes
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: hidden
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: optional
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: optional
Account Address: hidden
Account Phone: hidden
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Checkout Page: Purchase (#24988)
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: US
Currency: USD
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: no
Email From Address: ###
Email From Name: ###
Email Footer Text:
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: noGateways
——————————————-Manual: Enabled
Manual Logging:
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.6.36
Php Curl: Yes
Php Default Timezone: UTC
Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 3000
Php Max Upload Size: 128 MB
Php Memory Limit: 768M
Php Post Max Size: 128M
Php Soap: Yes
Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 120
Php Version: 7.0.27
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 768MTheme
——————————————-Name: Twenty Seventeen
Version: 1.4
Child Theme: No
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-LifterLMS: 3.15.1
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
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