Members still listed in members lists before approve
All new members are visible in the member list after there first login into there account. Even before we approve the member account.
Can you help us to fix this?
Otherwise, I believe it should be hiding from the actual members list, at least if the private network setting is checked. If you’ve simply checked “Moderate members”, then they’ll appear and able to read everything, but they won’t be able to do any interaction. Private network restricts them to their profile only.
I would need to make it so when just the moderated version is true, to hide them as well.
It doesn’t hide new member who aren’t approve. It only hide the new members after checked the second option “only registred or approved”.
But when checked the second option, frontend users can’t see the members without an approved account and thats a problem.
I’m sure that if you hide members when they are new (NOT approved) everyone is happy. Don’t put this function in the second check boxp but make it standaard.
Nobody want to show members who aren’t moderated! That’s why we need your plugin ??
So short answer, yes your correct with “I would need to make it so when just the moderated version is true, to hide them as well.”
I could see reasons to have it both ways when set to be moderated but NOT private network. So I’ll see what I can do and what decision I settle on for it.
Then let your plugin users choose with a third select option –> Hide new members who aren’t approved in the members lists.
Michael if you’re interested we can work together on this.
I can give you acces to our site so you can see what goes wrong. We can also made a donation if you can fix this. You can contact me on Gofunky . nl / contact
I understand the issue at hand, so no need to grant access at this point.
I have the same problem. If you had fix it in the past, could you please tell me how ?
Thank you very much !
It’s possible I have it taken care of in the GitHub version of the plugin, but not released to here yet. Been awhile since I really looked at it.
I have downloaded and installed the Github version, but nothing has changed.
I only need two simple instructions :- if ( $moderate ) : hide member
- And maybe redirect on home page if someone try to access the moderate member profile (except the member himself)
Could you give me some useful php instructions to paste in core.php ?
Or at least the right function to call if you know it ?Thank you again.
Can you provide some concrete specific examples of where moderated people are still creeping through? URLs/screenshots greatly appreciated as well.
For example: a members widget listing? A specific section in the BuddyPress areas?
Do note that we only cover BuddyPress provided areas and widgets/shortcodes. If you have some 3rd party item that lists users, that isn’t specific to BuddyPress, then we won’t have it covered at all.
Yes, sorry. In the buddypress members list (originally the page named “members”) you can’t see the moderated users first, but if you click on “all members” (or something like that, mine is in french), the moderated users appear. It means that you can also visit the moderated members profiles, even if you are not logged in. I would like to set them completely invisible, except from themselves.
I believe that would be
AJAX loaded spots get trickled through.
I tried to paste that code :
if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) { # Test for BP Component object if ( ! empty( $_POST['object'] ) ) { $object = sanitize_title( $_POST['object'] ); if ( bp_is_active( $object ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_ajax_' . $object . '_filter', 'bp_registration_hide_ui', 1 ); } } else { # Some AJAX requests still come through the 'init' action bp_registration_hide_ui(); } } function bp_registration_options_disable_ajax() { ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.item-list-tabs, .item-list-tabs li, .item-list-tabs a').addClass('no-ajax'); }); </script> <?php }
Unfortunately, it doesn’t hide the moderated users after clicking the “all members” button, but it also shows the admins who were hidden by a function in functions.php… Maybe my function is causing the bug :
//on masque le superadmin sur l'annuaire des membres function bpdev_exclude_users($qs=false,$object=false){ $excluded_user='1,4'; //séparer par des virgules les ID des membres que vous souhaitez cacher if($object != 'members') //on cache pour les membres return $qs; $args=wp_parse_args($qs); //on ne cache PAS le profil aux amis if(!empty($args['user_id'])) return $qs; if(!empty($args['exclude'])) $args['exclude'] = $args['exclude'].','.$excluded_user; else $args['exclude'] = $excluded_user; $qs = build_query($args); return $qs; } add_action('bp_ajax_querystring','bpdev_exclude_users',20,2); // il faut aussi recompter les Membres function bpfr_hide_get_total_filter($count){ return $count-2; } add_filter('bp_get_total_member_count','bpfr_hide_get_total_filter');
I really think that my function could work for what I need to do if I could get moderated users IDs in my functions.php…
Is there a function or something I could call to get the IDs ?
The issue is still open since things weren’t guaranteed working still, and I haven’t had a chance to revisit.
Should be able to fetch moderated users with
, found at the top of the includes/admin.php.
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