You can post that as a feature request in the feature request area of the forum on my plugin site, but, no, the plugin doesn’t currently work that way.
Please note, however, that since it is a custom post type, you can create your own archives template and show the data any way that you want. The members are all posts, positions and locations are taxonomies (like categories), and the other personal data are just custom postmeta fields. So, with a bit of PHP and HTML you could create your own template, or hire somebody to do that for you. A lot of code could be borrowed from my plugin for retrieving and displaying the data.
I had originally planned on doing some kind of custom view creator extension for the directory, where you could specify how you want the data displayed, and customize the layout a bit, but I’m too busy with paying gigs, and these free plugins do not generate any revenue, and thus get low priority (other than fixing conflicts or bugs and making sure they work with current WP versions).
You could also look into the Views plugin in the Toolset collection of plugins, which lets you create custom views with any set of data, without having to do any programming. I have used it in the past to create a simple tutor directory and submission forms for a client web site.