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  • Slimperfi



    I’m having the same issue with uploading images. Would you please tell me how you changed the permissions to get rid of that error? I would be forever grateful!!


    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    Talk to your host; each server setup is different with their own optimal file permissions. They should be able to get the right permissions on the upload directory.

    @rafilathif: Pro version is now available @

    Thread Starter rafilathif


    You should have a “USER ROLE EDITOR” OR “CAPABILITIES MANAGER” try to use
    and select the “update_core” i hope it will work.

    NOTE:_ it’s not safe to do. because it’s giving a permission to go in side the admin panel using image edit option

    if you can do your own risk i have no problem.

    but please inform me if you found any other solution.




    you mentioned to read the readme.txt file to allow only members, but I cannot find anything that explains how to do this.

    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    @iamthestreets: line 309 in readme.txt.

    Thread Starter rafilathif


    is there any demo so that i can try before buying this.

    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    sorry no demo for the Pro version, but the free version is available as an option.



    Hi im using user submitted post and I am recieveing error submission on 90% of my post. is there a reason why?



    sry didn’t mean to post here, thought it was a open discussio


    I added the following to functions.php of my theme (mosecolumn).

    add_shortcode( ‘member’, ‘member_check_shortcode’ );

    function member_check_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
    if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_null( $content ) && !is_feed() )
    return do_shortcode($content);
    return ‘<p>Please register to add content.</p>’;

    then I added the following to new page that I added to menu

    But when I click on the Submit post the content is displayed but with huge space on top and bottom. Please help.

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