• I have the same issue as many others since updating to version 4.0 and am unable to upload any media, if it does it shows as a grey box back can be reached via the edit media button.

    I have also tried the following steps to fix this issue:

    1) Updating all plugins
    2) Deactivating all plugins
    3) Switching to Twenty14 theme
    4) I am not using the WPML plug in which seems to be the cause for many.
    5) contacted theme devs
    6) contacted hosting company
    7)banged my head against a brick wall in the hope this is just a bad dream!!!

    Can somebody from WordPress please give a fix for this media error!?

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  • Thread Starter jersey-peeps


    Sadly this issue has still not been fixed and probably by the looks of it never will be. I have contacted my theme dev ( doesn’t matter what theme you use ) if I remove any code then the photos that are upload will no longer show up properly.

    Come on WordPress get a fix out for this ASAP! We have all been waiting a long time for this!!!

    Same problem here, multiple issues with uploading media. I’m going to have go back to 3.9.1.



    If you have not yet reinstalled WordPress 4.x, please do so. I have found these problems to be resolved after reinstallation. It is entirely possible that the problem is with this version’s upgrade process, not the new release. They could fix the u/g process, if that is the case, but you will never gain the benefit because you are already running 4.x. Doing a manual reinstallation should be part of your problem determination and resolution.

    I have reinstalled 4.0 and deactivated every plugin, and it made no difference. My web host tried to help, and now I can’t upload ANY image–I just get a 500 Error. This update has been a disaster. I have no idea what to do from here.

    If I use the browser uploader I get a 500 server error. If I use the multi-file uploader, I get the http error. Curiously, if I try to add images to a gallery through NextGEN, I seem to be able to upload images. I have not, however, tried to actually insert the images into a post. I need to be able to add individual images to posts through the Media Library. This is ridiculous.

    Thread Starter jersey-peeps


    Would seem this issue has been well and truly given up on by WordPress, I have tried manual install even before coming here.

    Been over a week now and still no fix for this issue, i am running out of excuses to give my website users as to why they can’t add images.

    I would recommend to anyone out there that hasn’t upgraded to 4.0 NOT TO DO IT!

    To allow use of this page to automatically repair database problems, please add the following line to your wp-config.php file. Once this line is added to your config, reload this page.

    define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);

    This was the message I got after my upgrade.

    I’m not sure this will work for you, since the error messages are different, but you can try this at least.

    • Go into phpMyAdmin for your database.
    • Select the wp_posts table.
    • Go to Structure view.
    • In the ID field, see whether AUTO_INCREMENT is in the Extras column.
    • If not, click “change” on the ID row, find “A_I” or Auto Increment, and check/select it.

    Do the same for wp_postmeta. While you are at it, look for other tables that have “ID” that is not set to AUTO_INCREMENT.

    Let me know if this helps! I only found it because our old install was working, so I could look directly at the two phpMyAdmin screens and compare them.

    PS: I wasn’t able to add new posts or upload media, and this solved both.

    Thread Starter jersey-peeps


    Sadly all the above was already in place, but thanks so much for sharing this information.

    I have all but given up on a fix for this now

    I’m having the same problem can upload files under 7k in size but nothing larger. So as a work around I installed the ‘Add from Server’ plug-in. You can up-load images to the uploads folder with FTP or file browser, then go to Media > Add From Server, find the folder you added the files to, click the check box next to the new files and then click on the Import button. Your files are added to the system. These images are now avalible to you anywhere you can select an image from the Media Library.

    It’s not great but at least it’s something.

    Hi I’m experiencing the same problem and been trying all tricks in this thread (of course including giving all folders and files in the upload folder 777 access).

    My client is using a premium theme that comes with tons of custom made plugins. By deactivating Woo-Commerce and some of the theme related plugins I was finally able to upload images/files below 2mb!

    Files above 2mb still gives the error message, the file will show up after page refresh but without thumbnail and preview. Even after deactivating ALL plugins this error remains.

    Same problem! This has literally brought my site to its knees. It is crippling. Tried all solutions listed above, nothing worked. WP needs to fix this!

    Not even saying this as a fake threat, but my developer buddy and I are literally planning to switch to Drupel tomorrow because of this problem. It is just too frustrating and unacceptable really.




    Saying GBCW with your first post tagged on to a month-old topic, using an new account made yesterday, not providing any details – do you really expect to get any assistance or empathy? If you have a problem, start a thread to detail your symptoms and steps you have taken to resolve it.

    Well gumbydev, maybe the folks over at Drupal won’t be so nasty either. You have my empathy.

    For the record, my site was eventually fixed, but it was well beyond anything I could’ve done on my own. My ISP actually helped me. It took over a week of back and forth with several of their tech people(!). This, for a site that had been working perfectly before this horrible upgrade. This is what they told me:

    “The issue was due to lack of memory allowed by the uploading function. This has been corrected by making the local php.ini file you’re using on this install recursive so that it affects your entire website.”

    I just want to have a crummy blog. I do not want to be forced to work towards a self-taught degree in IT every time WordPress issues a buggy upgrade. I suspect a majority of afflicted users aren’t bothering to say anything on these forums. They’ve just given up. One friend, who almost ended her long-time blog over this, finally “solved” the problem by uploading images to an external photo-hosting site and linking to them there, seeing as her Media library is nearly useless now.

    Indeed, this is a month-old topic. And WordPress has still done nothing about this wide-spread problem? It’s been fixed for me, but after this last miserable waste of time, I’m scared of any update now.

    Thread Starter jersey-peeps


    In the end the way I solved this problem was by changing host, if you really want this fixed try wpengine.com obviously a higher rate per month for hosting but fixed my issue ??

    Thankfully i won’t find myself coming back here for help, as some admins are just on ego / power trips which doesn’t really help anyone here and if anything pushes people away from trying to solve these wordpress related problems.

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