• Hi,

    I am not sure how long I have had this problem, as I haven’t tried to upload an image since May 2017.

    What is happening:

    When I try to upload an image to my WP blog it acts as though it has completed (no errors whatsoever), but:

    1. The thumbnail doesn’t appear.

    2. The image doesn’t appear when I insert it into a post (empty box).

    3. The URL of the image is either wrong (wrong date and year)…or

    4. The URL looks correct, but doesn’t really exist…can’t find the folder (or image file) in my wp-content/uploads folder.

    I also noticed that about 1/4 of my already uploaded thumbnails are missing, but, the images are there, and on my posts.

    I also tried to upload an image on another site (on the same host) with the same theme (not the same plugins, fewer plugins), and the media upload function worked just fine.

    So, I figure this rules out a hosting problem.

    But, I have had my host support look over my site and they didn’t see anything that could be causing this problem, either.

    What I have done:

    1. Made sure everything was up to date.

    2. Made sure my folder permissions were set correctly (755).

    3. I have ran Forced Regeneration of Thumbnails, and it didn’t help, and half of the thumbnails failed to regenerate (according to the plugin).

    4. Disabled all plugins (no affect).

    5. Tried different browsers like the latest version of Chrome, I was using the latest version of Firefox (no affect).

    6. Deleted my current website from my server, and uploaded backups from as far back as May 2017 with all plugins disabled (no affect).

    I have researched this forum, and the internet, and I cannot find anyone reporting a similar problem.

    They all report some kind of error code…I am not getting any error code.

    I would appreciate any help I can get.

    Thank you,


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  • Hello, Scott, & welcome. Could you please provide us w/your site url & and example image where this is occurring? That might be really helpful in assisting you to diagnose this problem.

    Thread Starter honesteddypublishing


    Hi Jackie,

    The site where I am having this problem is:


    I cannot give you an example of the problem because (recently) uploaded images will not show up on any post.

    The last successful image that I uploaded to the media library is on the home page of the above site. That was back in May 2017, as I explained in my original post.

    How about a screenshot of the problem in the media library?

    Thread Starter honesteddypublishing


    Here are some screenshots, I hope they help.

    1. This is what the media library looks like after I upload the image.


    2. If you click on the edit option, you see that the image shows up, but only there.


    3. When I insert this same image into a post, this is what you see in the visual mode (an empty box).


    4. This is what you see in the text mode, notice the highlighted part of the image URL. it doesn’t reflect the correct month, or year. Why? I just uploaded it today.


    This is a strange problem.

    HI, Scott. Unfortunately, I’m not in a position to be able to access the snag site & won’t be for awhile. Could you therefore please clarify your point #4?

    In circumstances like this, generally what is occurring is broken links, for whatever reason. I’m seeing 2 things that may be contributory–it appears you’re running Jetpack & that your pics are therefore going through its CDN. That’s generally a good thing, but perhaps, for some reason, that’s not happening? The other thing I see is that you’re running wp-supercache. It’s a good plugin, but, as w/all caching plugins, problems can result. I suggest disabling both these features. I also suggest going into ‘Settings > Permalinks’ & then save the structure as default. Then change the structure to whatever it had been initially (don’t forget to save) & see if that helps us. You should also clear your browser cache, as I do appear to be getting images. Instructions can be found here:

    Please let us know whether that was helpful or not.

    Thread Starter honesteddypublishing


    Hi Jackie,

    As I mentioned in my original post, I have disabled all my plugins, and it didn’t help.

    If you could access the screenshots you would see that number 4 shows the URL for the image I uploaded today which includes: wp-content/uploads/2009/4/image.file

    Why would it create a folder for the year 2009, and the 4th month when it’s 2018 the first month?

    I also have a similar site same theme, same hosting account, and it also uses jetpack, and that sites has no problems uploading images into a post.

    Thread Starter honesteddypublishing


    I disabled jet pack and super cache, updated the permalinks, cleared my browser cache, and I still have the same problem.

    Scott, please go into ‘Settings > Media’ & report your file structure as set out there.

    Thread Starter honesteddypublishing


    Images sizes are:

    Thumbnail 150×150
    Medium size 300×300
    Large size 1024×1024

    The “stores uploads in this folder” reads:

    /home/my hosting username/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads

    Full URL path to files is blank.

    Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders is checked

    Image Gallery Carousel

    Background color is black

    Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available. is checked

    Hello, again, Scott. Tired of hearing from me yet? I realize this is going to sound like serious harping, but the problem is, I’m still seeing caching. Also, in the media settings, if Jetpack were completely disabled & uncached, there should not be references to ‘gallery Carousel’.

    First, please remove the WP_CACHE define from wp-config.php. Look for define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true ); and put // in front of that line. That’s the forward slash, ie, the key that’s used to make a question mark when shifted. I say that because some folks confuse it w/a \, & that won’t help. Next, please remove/rename the files wp-content/advanced-cache.php and wp-content/wp-cache-config.php. You can also try renaming rather than removing them ie, ph1 instead of php. I would urge you to at least back up these files should you decide to remove them.

    Next, I’m going to ask you to please put up a test post on your blog, containing an image called test.png. You can use any image for this. Put test in your alt text, if you would, please. I realize you don’t want to leave this up for long, but since we’re obviously seeing very different things here, I rather need to try to find out why if I can. I’ll be monitoring closely, so you shouldn’t have to keep it up long. I apologize for the hassle.

    Thread Starter honesteddypublishing


    Hi Jackie,

    I did disable those plugins and do what you asked, and then, after they didn’t make a difference, I turned them back on.

    I feel we are going in circles and if you could see my screenshots you might better understand.

    My assessment – too may cooks (coders) spoil the recipe. There are just too many different people creating themes and plugins and then WP is constantly updating…it’s a disaster waiting to happen, and I have been through this too many times.

    Thank you for your help, but, I think I’m done with WordPress. I have been using WP for over a decade, and sooner or later, I always run into a problem.

    Thanks again.


    I understand, Scott. I hate to see you start from scratch, as you’ve obviously done a lot of work on your site & it’ll be a @#$% of a lot of work to recreate it on whatever platform you choose. Please know that I do understand what you’re saying about the file url being incorrect, etc. 1 of the things we do in situations where images aren’t showing is to view the site’s source code & look at the links associated w/images. From my vantage point, your images are appearing. So I’m obviously trying to figure out why the discrepancy & eliminate it, if possible. Caching is a really great thing, but it can also cause problems, & I was trying to get that particular aspect out of the equation, because 1 of the things that can happen is changes may not be seen when someone’s looking at a cached site, while someone who doesn’t have a cached site will see it immediately.

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