• Resolved rikengct


    Thank you again for the great support.

    I succeeded in a regular tooltip on the word RIKEN which I highlighted in yellow on this page: https://itaintmagic.riken.jp/about-us/
    I hope you can see it!

    I tried to add a mediatip to the word “nuclear physics” at the very bottom of the same page. I chose an image from the media library and closed the dialog. When I look in the text tab of the editor, it only says this:

    [ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-tooltip content=”nuclear physics”]nuclear physics[/ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-tooltip]

    without anything like an html markup.

    also, when it’s implemented correctly is the choice between a tooltip or a mediatip?Or, can you have some text above/below an image?


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  • Plugin Author Gerkin


    Well, the normal format for a mediatip is
    [ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-mediatip link="https://asite.com/a-page-link/" image="https://asite.com/an-image.png" imageid="123"]my link text[/ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-mediatip]

    This is totally normal that this doesn’t contains any HTML markup: the structure [text]content[/text] is called “shortcode”, and is a function of WordPress and plugins. The shortcode will next be formated in HTML by WordPress (and plugins) at display-time

    Mediatips are composed of three things:

    • the text of the link
    • the title (which is the same as the text of the link)
    • the image itself

    It doesn’t support caption at the moment, because mediatips have some specific style rules that can be messed up by other contents. But, if you really need it, I can try to integrate them.

    The shortcode you posted me is the shortcode of an inline tooltip. Please verify that you select the right tab for mediatips, and then, press “ok” to refresh the shortcode.

    PS: I see that you have used your own custom tooltip style. I think you will be pleased to know that an integrated tooltip style editor is currently in development, and should be released for v1.2 or v1.3

    Thread Starter rikengct


    Hi. Thanks,

    Yes, I did select the correct tab because I was able to see the image in the dialog box.
    But, after I clicked “ok”, I saw what I posted above (and not what you said it should say).

    I tried again just now, and same outcome. I took a screenshot, but I don’t know how to include an image in this post. arg.

    But, now that I know the format that you posted above, I’ll try it manually.

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    Ok, it seems that a field is not filled correctly.
    I know that what I am about to say will probable seem silly, but one of the base rule of IT debugging is to never take evidences for what they are, not especially for you, but for a possible other viewer, or for myself.
    To be accepted by the plugin, the text field should not be empty, nor the content data, which is hidden. Furthermore, the content data should be a valid JSON data. The problem is that this JSON field seems to not be filled correctly in your site.
    That’s why I’d like to have more infos about what happen. Can you give me the log of your console in those situations? (press ctrl+i to open console in Firefox or Chrome/Chromium)

    1. After having selected an image?
    2. When running the following command in the console with an image selected into the dialog box but before pressing “Ok”?
      (see this Google Search to know how)
    3. After pressing “Ok” button?
    Thread Starter rikengct


    I tried inputting it manually using your example above and it worked
    But i wonder why it didn’t automatically do it when I hit ok in the mediatip tab of the dialog.

    Also, is there a way to make the tip appear above the word instead of below?

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    I’ve changed the default position as you suggested. I’ll probably add an option to customize this default behavior in a next release.

    Thread Starter rikengct


    Thank you again, I didn’t see your last reply.
    I’ll try doing that and get back to you in a bit.

    Thread Starter rikengct


    I think i did what you asked correctly.
    1) I selected the image and clicked “insert”

    Values: Object {text: “nuclear physics”, content: “nuclear physics”, glossary: “nuclear physics”, mediatip: Object, type: 1}
    Object {success: true, data: Array[0]}
    t {_super: undefined, settings: Object, _id: “mceu_306”, _aria: Object, _elmCache: Object…}
    Object {id: 983, title: “[tag] nuclear physics”, filename: “tag-nuclear-physics.png”, url: “https://itaintmagic.riken.jp/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/tag-nuclear-physics.png”, link: “https://itaintmagic.riken.jp/?attachment_id=983″…}

    2) Still not pressing ok, I ran the command


    3) I hit ok
    and I expanded the result for the first section

    Object {gt: “nuclear physics”, gs: “”, tt: “nuclear physics”, tc: “nuclear physics”, mt: “nuclear physics”…}gs: “”gt: “nuclear physics”mc: “{“url”:”https://itaintmagic.riken.jp/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/tag-nuclear-physics.png&#8221;,”id”:983,”link”:”https://itaintmagic.riken.jp/?attachment_id=983&#8243;}”mt: “nuclear physics”select-image: “”tc: “nuclear physics”tt: “nuclear physics”__proto__: Object__defineGetter__: __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: __lookupSetter__()constructor: Object()arguments: nullassign: assign()caller: nullcreate: create()defineProperties: defineProperties()defineProperty: defineProperty()deliverChangeRecords: deliverChangeRecords()freeze: freeze()getNotifier: getNotifier()getOwnPropertyDescriptor: getOwnPropertyDescriptor()getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNames()getOwnPropertySymbols: getOwnPropertySymbols()getPrototypeOf: getPrototypeOf()is: is()isExtensible: isExtensible()isFrozen: isFrozen()isSealed: isSealed()keys: keys()length: 1name: “Object”observe: observe()preventExtensions: preventExtensions()prototype: Objectseal: seal()setPrototypeOf: setPrototypeOf()unobserve: unobserve()__proto__: ()<function scope>hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: toLocaleString()toString: toString()valueOf: valueOf()get __proto__: get __proto__()set __proto__: set __proto__()

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    I don’t see any unexpected log output, but it seems that one info wasnt logged… What browser are you using ? I personnaly use mainly Firefox, which works fine, but maybe other browsers will have problems…

    Thread Starter rikengct


    I’m using google chrome

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    Ok, this problem is directly linked with Google Chrome. I fix it as soon as possible

    Thread Starter rikengct


    wow, Thanks a bunch.
    I’m really looking forward to your other updates.

    do you have plans to make a pro version?
    I do have suggestions for features if you are looking to add new things.

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    I was just thinking about that, as you seem concerned by the plugin. Your advices will be precious to me. That’s why I invite you to send me a contact ticket through this form (it’s not the place to post publicly my email address, nor yours).

    I’m working on your bug. It is already resolved on my dev environment

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    Hi rikengct,
    Does the last update fixed your problem on Google Chrome?

    Thread Starter rikengct



    I just updated, and it still doesn’t seem to work.
    I get the same thing when I try to insert the mediatip

    Plugin Author Gerkin


    Maybe you need to empty your browser cache… I’ve not changed the script’s version, sorry

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